Wednesday, April 27, 2016

it's a riot

I/m tired of Illinois

     Seriously tired.
     Monday it was it was 50.
     I've gone from winter pajamas to summer pajamas back to winter ones.  Yes, I do have PJs for the seasons.
     I've worn three different coats this week and am running out of hooks.
     The roads are a mess...potholes and cracks everywhere.
     And the budget?  So out of whack it can never be made right.  We either have to cut spending or      raise taxes or a little of both.  But these yahoos in Springpatch can't seem to figure that out.
The third most powerful man and Illinois most famous representative and wrestling coach turned out to be a serial sex abuser of young boys.  That is holding up party values!
     Our state lawmakers have figured out a way to make sure none of the issues people like me want will get on the ballot.  Term limits?  Nah.  Redistricting?  Forget about it.  Graduated income tax?  Not in our lifetimes.
     Our property taxes are among the highest, on average, in the country.
     The state is losing population, which means sales tax revenue, and the mopes in charge don't make any attempt to change.
    Pardon me for being cynical.
     But I am tired.  I think I need to move.  Maybe North Carolina.  Or Vermont.  Or Maine.
     Someplace with mild summers and better government.
     Where spring begins at Easter and summer ends on Labor Day.
     Where it only rains in the morning between 2 and 3.
     Camelot.  That is where I need to go.
     Anybody know how to get there?

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