Saturday, April 2, 2016

were have all the people gone....

I have a final thought...again

    Someone asked me why my pictures from Cuba  don't have a lot of people in them.
     Interesting, I thought.
     One of the things that struck me about Cuba was the number of people.  There were dozens at every bus stop in town, sometimes it seemed like a hundred people were waiting for a city bus.  Side streets were crowded with families.
      But I don't have pictures of any of that.
     I often saw people lined up for the bus when I was on our bus....and pictures through a tinted window at 30 mph don't come out very well.
     I walked the Malecon, the long sea wall walk that separates Havana from the Atlantic, and hardly saw anyone during the day.  But at night, the sea wall and walk were crowded with people and families.  Our guide called it the world's largest sofa.
     When I looked at my pictures, I have some crowded street scenes, but they are in touristy areas... so the people may be Brits, or Canadian, or Russians, or Americans.......probably not Cubans.
     I don't know if that is a government accomplishment, or  if those areas where tourists go are more expensive and out of reach of most Cubans.  Or maybe both.
     But the streets were crowded.... people do live there.... I just didn't capture them in pictures. are a few scenes that feature crowds, but they are not really indicative of the numbers of people we saw on corners in areas out of the tourist area.

taken through bus window....looking down a side street off a main road

passageway off a boulevard

tourist zone

just a house .....

In the tourist zone

Malecon hardly had people during the day... at night it was a gathering place.  Note the four lanes of traffic.  In Havana, cars have the right of way.  To get to this spot I crossed 8 lanes of traffic.  There are no crosswalks and few traffic signals.  Cars and trucks will not slow down for pedestrians, but they do honk!  The capitol building is in the center of the picture

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