Monday, April 11, 2016

a bright idea

I have an ongoing experiment in my garage

     And it is nearing an end.
     I have eight lights on my garage ceiling.  All controlled by one switch.  Turn the switch on, lights go on.  Flick it off, lights go off.
     In an attempt to find answers to one of life's mysteries, I have opted not to replace the burned out bulbs.
     We have been in the house 3 years, and almost 5 months.  bulbs have started to burn out.
     Now I am down to two........
     I always wonder why some bulbs burn out before others.  Are they first in line to get power, or last?  Were they colder/hotter than the other bulbs?  Were they unloved as filaments?
     My wondering mind seeks answers.
     I have many questions like that.
     Why, when I am in a hurry, do I get caught by a train and every single red light from here to DeKalb?  When I am not in a hurry, no train and all lights are green.
     Why does my lawnmower run out of gas at the back of the yard and never near the front.  Of course, a corollary question might be why don't I check the tank before mowing.
    Why did the Levi's I tried on not fit, but he Wrangler's had plenty of room even though they were the same size and the Levi's were the relaxed fit and Wrangler's were regular?
     Why is our tv recording every Chicago Cub game..... even though no recording has been set.  Is it Harry trying to communicate with us?  Is Mr. Cub hanging around my den because of the mini shrine to him?
     Why does Corki pee in the same general area every time?  The grass is dead!  Move on!
    Why do all the good shows come back on Netflix when my subscription expires?
     Why do some of the doors in my house swing open while others swing closed?
     Why did I end some of my sentences with periods when they should have clearly been ended with a question mark?
     I wish I knew.
     And I resent the implication that I am using an experiment as an excuse for just not changing the bulbs.  It may be true, but I do  resent it.

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