Monday, April 25, 2016


I forgot  I had calls to make today

     I had four or five people I wanted to call.....and remembered about 9 p.m.
     I should have put it on a note and hung it on the door.
     I did a lot today and it all just escaped me.
     Not to mention I have a computer that has gone bonkers.
     My little PC just goes crazy..... can't use the touch pad, pages jump without any obvious reason, won't turn off, kind of a wacky version of me.
     So I am taking it to the Apple people on Friday.
     I know what will happen.  I will get an estimate of $500 to fix a six year old computer.  And we will face the choice of repair or buying a new one.
     Then our I Mac will go out and we will regret buying the PC that we did, because now it is the only computer we will be using and we should have gone bigger.
     How long should a computer last anyway?  Is it like a car, where you drive it until you pay it off or it falls apart, whichever comes first?
     In any case, it is not going to be pretty.
     And my war on wasps?
     No go.....the wind was too strong.  I was afraid I would get more spray than the nest outside the door.
     But I will try tonight.
    Call it Wasp War II
     I just hope no one gets stung....meaning me.

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