Monday, April 4, 2016

Play ball!!

I am thinking about being 10 again

     No, I have not invented a time machine.
     But when I was about 10, my parents bought a house and I had my own room.  One of my prized possessions was a white Philco radio that sat on a fold our desk.  The desk was very neat and I am sorry my mom got rid of it when she sold the house...but that is a different story.
     A white radio on the black desk.  The radio had a hump in the middle, and a golden dial with an arrow that showed what channel you were listening to.
     And I only had three channels that I listened to....WLS, sometimes WCFL, and WGN.
     Dick Biondi, Riley's Raiders, top 40 surveys and Chicago Cubs baseball.
     I was thinking of that today.  The Cubs are opening against the Angels out in California, first pitch at 9 p.m. our time.
     When I was a kid, I would hate those west coast trips because I was usually in bed well before the third inning.  But I would have that radio on, listening to the Cubs battle the Dodgers and Giants.
     I remember the voices of  Lloyd Petit, Vince Lloyd, Lou Boudreau, Jack Quinlan .... the golden voice of Jack Quinlan.
     And I remember the Cubs not being very successful, despite the heroics of Ernie Banks.
     I won't be listening to the game on the radio tonight....hopefully I will find the channel for TV.
     I know I won't make it to the end of the game.
     But at some point, when I close my eyes, I'll hear that white Philco radio again.
     Go Cubs Go...this is the year!!

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