Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I pity the life of a 1 percenter

I could survive on less

     I was reading the morning Trib and there was a story about the divorce between the man who started a chain of cancer clinics and his wife.
     She is considerably younger than he is, and they have been married for a while.  She cited "irreconcilable differences" as the reason.
     She is asking for a living allowance as part of the settlement.
     She wants $150,000.  A month.
     Holy crap!  I could live a much different life on $157,000 s month.   Going out on a limb here, but I bet most of you could too!.
     I can't imagine getting almost three times my annual teaching salary every month just to maintain my lifestyle!
     I guarantee, my lifestyle would change.  Significantly.  No more scrubbing toilets for me!  And no more economy class plane tickets either!
     But it must be difficult with all those servants, furs, diamonds, luxury cars and pool boys. .. they all need to be paid for.
     I think that's what the problem is in our country.  Here is a woman who just wants to get by on a measly $150,000 a month , and there are families getting by on $20,000 a year.
     If I remember, the judge even felt hat was extravagant and ordered the payment to be $47,000 a month.
     That is still over half a million a year.
     Something is out of whack.
     Think I will go to bed and sleep on that.    Or not sleep on it, as the case may be.

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