Wednesday, April 20, 2016

deja vu....all over again

Things just never really change

    When I started this blog in 2014, I didn't expect to still be doing it over two years later.
     Yet, here I am.
     In January of 2014, I wrote that I had hit 200.  As in weight.  A couple of weeks ago I wrote I hit 206.
     Things don't change.
     I've written about this being the Cubs' year three times.
     But this is the Cubs' year.  I am sure of it.
     I think if you read this regularly you know more about me than I do.
    So here is something you don't know.
     Read carefully.....or listen carefully if someone is reading this to you.
     Sometimes I think that we have been instantly created and all our memories have been programmed into our brains by a superior life form.  We did not exist yesterday, but the memory of yesterday was programmed into our brains.  So today really doesn't matter, because tomorrow today will not have existed.
     Of course I also think this is the Cubs' year, the Blackhawks will rally, the Bears will become Monsters of the Midway once again, the White Sox will lose to the Cubs in a 7 game World Series and the Republican party will find sanity at some point.
     Now, it could be the pinot noir talking, but I think aliens from distant planets live amongst us.  How else can you explain some of the clothes people wear to the store?  I've seen old men in too tight sweat pants and all sorts of people in too loose pajamas.  I even saw a guy wearing poopy pants the other day!
     (Ok, poopy pants are pants that have an extra, extra long inseam that comes almost to the person's knees.  The kind of pants you can, well, store items that maybe should be deposited in white porcelain fixtures, if you get my drift.)
     And another topic I am repeating, seriously.
     In June I will be riding in the MS Tour de Farms in DeKalb.  This is a fund raising event, the only one I am doing this year.
     Please consider supporting my team, Jackies Jokers.  Note, there is no ' in Jackies.  It is not a statement, rather an error of omission when I entered the team name.  Oops.
     If you can, support my ride to help in the battle against MS.
     You can go to Bike MS Tour de Farms and click on the donate button. Search teams for Jackies Jokers and make a donation to me, Rev. Stacy, or the team.  It only takes a few minutes.
     And if you are interested in riding 15, 35 or 50 miles or more, sign up for the team and join us in June.
     Jackie and I will be thankful for your support.


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