Friday, April 8, 2016

what the hay

I am confused

     This is April 9, right?
     So why did we have snow/sleet,rain/sunshine/clouds/cold/ wind today?
     Isn't it time for Mother Nature to man up (yes, a PC incorrect reference) and actually give us some spring?
     I have spent the lat three days freezing.  I am constantly cold.  I sleep with an extra blanket on the bed.  I dress in sweatshirts.  I can't mow, or work in the garden.
     I know it is only April 9, but winter has dragged on two long, too hard, too not summer.
     Bring on the warm!
     I can't even imagine the folks at the White Sox home opener had to be cold at the Cell cause it was cold here.
     And old friend, thanks for visiting tonight.  We love seeing you.  Let's not be strangers.
     Go Cubs Go!!

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