Tuesday, June 30, 2015

a light, or a train?

I am almost done with my planter

     Yes, this is the planter I started on three weeks ago!  Every time I go out to move dirt, it rains.   We have had two days of almost sunny weather, so I was able to move some dirt today.
     And my arm is killing me.
     Which reminds me of when I would say to a fifth grader: " Does your face hurt?"  When they asked why, I'd say "Cause it's killing me!"  They usually only answered me once, then ignored me whenever I asked the question.  They'd warn other kids not to answer.  It was a keep them on their toes type question.
     But I plan to finish tomorrow.  Yes, the sun will be out.  Yes, the dirt is still damp, Yes, it will be hard.  But it will get done.
     I had seven things to do on my to do list two weeks ago.  There are still six items left.  The list is getting so old, it is actually at antique status.
     After the planter, I plan to fill in along the driveway and clean the garage.
     Neither is as easy as it sounds.
     I have filled in along the driveway before, but the dirt keeps disappearing.  I have to put dirt and some grass seed, but I know as soon as I plant the grass seed we will go into a drought.
     That's my luck.
     And cleaning the garage?  Could be a huge time eater.  I will have to have a space for garage sale items, a space for Kane County items, a space for Emily items, and a space for what in the hell am I going to do with this stuff.
     Emily is lucky in a way.  She has the opportunity to have a clean garage, without all the crap that accumulates.  I have five sprayers.  Two don't work.  One is brand new and does not work.  I can't find the receipt.  This is a one gallon sprayer with a two foot host for the inside....just makes no sense.   I am going to have to call the company and ask them about it.
     I have a fountain for my porch that has not gone out in three years.  I love the fountain.  I will put that out soon.  But then again, why hurry?  When we get back from Chocolateland there will only be about 6 weeks of porch weather, and I'll just have to put it away again.
    Oh well.  Someday I'll have it all figured out.

Monday, June 29, 2015

truckin, on the open road

I have always wanted to see the Grateful Dead

     I think it was 1995....at least it is for this story.
     A bunch of us were heading down to West Virginia (cue the banjos) for a rafting trip.
     Someplace in Indiana, or Ohio, we saw Deadheads on their way to a concert....maybe in Columbus, Ohio.  That doesn't matter.  (Then why bring it up? you ask.)
     The band had just finished a Solder Field. (The Deadheads might even had been on their way home from the Chicago concert, which might have been the last on their tour that year.)
     Anyway, I said to myself:  You have to see the Dead in concert. Live.  Join the carnival.  Live.  (Note:  this word had two pronounciations, one spelling.  I used both pronounciations.  So I did not save live, live.  I said live, live.  OK?)
     Jerry Garcia died a week or two after that.
     I do listen to a couple of Dead CDs, but I have always regretted not seeing them live....except for Jerry.  I am too late for that.  (Although I am not to late to eat Cherry Garcia ice cream from Ben and Jerry.)
     Tickets went on sale for the three day Dead weekend and were gone in less than a minute.  Three shows, 60 thousand tickets.  Sold.
     I looked at Stub Hub and another second market site.  There are tickets available.  $170 for an obstructed view seat.  That was the cheapest I found.  Some tickets are up to $700 for one.  Others are rumored to be even higher.  I read one article that said a 3 day pass was going for $10,000.
     Now, I was never a Deadhead.  But I do know that most of them could not afford, and would not pay, that much money for a ticket.
     They'd ask for a miracle.....but I think miracles will be in short supply this weekend.
     This is their last tour and it is near the end of an age for rock.  Jagger is 72 in July.  Bob Weir has to be in his 70s.  Bob Dylan has to be close.  Paul McCartney is like 74 or something.
     I was fortunate to see Chuck Berry last year with my friend Dan.  Chuck is in his upper 80s and can still play a guitar, but he does get a little confused.  He can still rock, just a little slower.
     The artists of my generation, and maybe yours, are getting old, just like the rest of us.
     There were more gray hairs than long hairs at the Stones last week.....more canes and walkers than joints......you get the drift.
     Still, it would have been pretty cool to see the Dead when Jerry was with them and miracles were still possible.
     And affordable.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

rockin and , well, rockin

I love front porches

     When I was a kid, growing up on the hard streets of the big city, we lived in an apartment building with a big porch.  When I was in sixth or seventh grade, my folks bought a house across the street with a big  porch.  There was a side part and a large front area, so it was  shaped like an L on its side.
     (Digression.  The house initially scared the bejeebees out of me!  The patriarch of the family that lived their died, and the wake was held in the house.  I looked down from my parents' apartment and saw Mr. Kennedy asleep. but he wasn't on the couch!!  He was in a box!!  Not being a particularly bright kid, I did not not understand why so many people were visiting him and he wouldn't wake up!     When I finally realized it was a visitation, I thought his ghost would haunt the house, mocking me.  It never did.)
      I loved the porch.  Part of it was screened in and on those hot summer nights, I would go onto the porch and sleep in an old chaise lounge.  This lounge was iron with springs and a think mattress.  It had a very comforting feel and smell.  I keep thinking I will find one like it some day, but that was a long time ago.
     On rainy days I would stand on the porch and feel the rain hit my face, pretending I was a pirate on the front of a ship.
     I would sit on the porch and talk to neighbors as they went past.
     During high school, friends would come over and we'd sit on the steps and talk, laugh at the adults in our world, and in general be obnoxious teens.
     I went to NIU, and was home for some reason and sitting on the porch when classes at my old high school let out.  As girls walked by I would say, "Hello.   I am home from college.  Yes, that's right, I'm a college man."
     But they were not interested in a pimply faced kind of dopey little guy with a strange sense of style...or lack of it.
     I brought Jackie to the folks' house one night and we were just sitting on the front steps.  Within 30 minutes a small group of people had joined us and we just kept telling stories.  Jackie has a rather unusual laugh, and at on point, about 11:30 if I remember, she started laughing so hard she sounded like an air raid siren going off!
     I think front porches have a big role in creating neighborhoods.  Backyard patios are nice, but you don't see your neighbors, don't say hello, don't visit.  I think I knew everyone in the houses near my parents on both sides of the street, because people would pass and say hello.
     I got to thinking of all that today when I was sitting on my front porch, listening to the rain.
     Standing by the railing, feeling the mist hitting my face, I was transported back in time.
     Back to when I was a pirate on the deck of a ship.
     It felt good to go home for a while.  And no ghosts were around either.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

ride, ride. ride let it ride

I biked against MS today

     I took part in my second Tour de Farms today.  I had company for part of the ride, Rev. Stacy from church joined my team for today's event.
Jackies Jokers ready to ride1!

     The big news......I think we raised a little over $1,000.  We still have some donations to tabulate, but it was a successful ride!
     At my age, success is defined several ways.
     Mainly, I did not die on the road.  That is a huge success.
     I started out this year with a goal of riding 35 miles......but I did not.  I only rode 15 today.  I have not ridden more than 12 at one time this year, and I did not think tripling that was a good idea.
     However, Rev. Stacy did ride 35 miles!  I am happy she did that and very happy she wasn't even stressed at the end.  At least I don't think she was.
     The ride has several options...15, 35, 50, 75,100, 125......and there are riders at each level.  Of course the 125 milers are younger and slimmer than me, which is probably due to the fact they actually ride their bikes instead of talk about it.  At least the slim part.  I did run into one man my age who was doing his first 50........
      But today was not a competition.  It was all about raising money to find a cure for MS.
     Tour de Farms is a huge event.  There were hundreds of bikers and hundreds of supporters.  It takes work to complete at any distance, but the organizers have rest stops about every 10 miles so people like me can juice up and rest up.
     Next year the event is the last weekend in June.  I will be looking for people to ride with me.  Rev. Stacy said she would ride again, and it would be great if about 20 other people joined us.
     Each rider is expected to raise $300, so if you do join us, start recruiting sponsors early!
     And if you have not donated and are kicking yourself because you forgot, you can go to Bike MS, look for the Tour de Farms event in DeKalb and find the Jackies Jokers team.  Note:  NO APOSTROPHE!!  Donations will be accepted until late September.
     Biking With Beanzie is in about 3 weeks....that has a 25 mile segment.  I may be ready for that!
     Anyone interested in riding with me?
     That happens to be on a Sunday, and Rev. Stacy has other plans.

Friday, June 26, 2015

just a little weirdness out there

I sometimes think people are really nuts

     Now, I know I am nuts, but in a friendly way.  There are some people out there who are just plain goofy.
     Now they may have their reasons for their actions, and I would like to hear their explanations.
     For example.... there was a pickup truck parked along Il 38 by the Interstate.  A man was walking along with a gas can.  A car swerved over and picked him up.
     I am all for being a nice guy.....but I don't think I would pick up a hitch hiker in this day and age.  I might have offered to take his can, fill it, and bring it back while he waited at the truck....but I just am a little leery of letting total strangers who could be cold blooded psychotic killers escaped from a New York prison or mental institution into my car.
     Then I was driving north on 251 and stopped at the light at Flagg Road.  It was red.  There was a red turn arrow.  A northbound white SUV went into the left turn lane and did not even slow down and went through the red light!  What was that driver thinking?
     There was a man in Walmart going up to employees and preaching the word of God to them right there in the store, despite them trying to ignore him.  He just kept on going, at least until security showed up to escort him out. I am glad he was fervent in his faith, but not everybody trying to get through a check out lane wants to hear a religious pitch.
     And explain this to me.  A lane is shut down during construction.  A flag person is stopping traffic.  When he flips to the go slow side, that flagger points to the lane where you are supposed to drive.  Do they really think we are idiots and will drive into the front end of a bulldozer?  Or that we can't see that the road is gone?  Sometimes I just want to say, "Thank you....I am glad you realized I am too stupid to figure out where to go."
     Anyway, that was my day.
     I feel better now.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

take me out to the ball game.....

Saw my third Cub game today

     Also my third loss....but that will change.
     I took Jackie to the game.  We got handicapped accessible seats in the upper deck.  The seats are actually pretty good....great view of the park, near a handicapped accessible bathroom, close to food.
     When I ordered the tickets, I asked about the elevator to the upper level.  Yes, there is one....but it is not in service due to the construction at the park.
     The alternative?  Fit young men who push the wheelchairs up the ramps to the top.  I can barely walk up without getting winded.  These kids flew up the ramp.  Pretty amazing.
     Someone came to take her down.  We sat her in the walker and the youngin' backed her down all the ramps to the first level.  Well, actually, I think some of the ramps have been redone because we had to do a reverse course when it turned out that particular route had stairs. There was a line of wheelchairs going back up the ramps, much to the confusion of the thousands of people going down.
     Yes, I tipped the lads.....even though you are not required or supposed to.  Truthfully, I could not have done that.
     John and Cameron also went.  We parked in a lot near the park to make it as easy as possible for wifey to get in.
    I always buy a water at the 7-11 for $1.50 because that same water is $4.50 in the park.  So I stopped to ask one of the independent sellers if he had water.
    "No, I am not supposed to be selling that.  They don't want me to sell water," he said, with a cart full of ice and flavored energy drinks.
     I told him too bad and started to leave.
   "But man, you want some,"  he paused, looked around, his eyes darting everywhere.  "I can hook you up.  Two bucks a bottle."
     I said no thanks and left.  Then I got to thinking about walking a block down to the 7-11 and figured why not support the free independent spirit of entrepreneurial man?
     I went back to the guy.
     I looked around.  I said in a low voice, "So, you think you could hook me up with two waters?  I got money."
     His eyes darted left right...furtively, I might add.  "Yeah, I can get that for you."  He grabbed a plastic bag, dug down deep in the ice, and shoved two bottles into the bag.  His eyes never looked at the bottles or the bag.
     "Here's the money,"  I said.
      "Here's your stuff.  Thanks man," he said.
     I stepped back, then asked, "Could you hook me up with some peanuts too?"
     "Small, medium or large?"  he asked.  I got the small bag.  It was $5.
       I felt like I was in a drug deal gone healthy!  I bought water and a nickle bag of peanuts.....salted in the shell even. Ok, not real healthy.
     But it was just a little surreal.  I expected DEA officers to swoop down on us at any second.
I will buy from the guy again..... but for now, I'm good.

Here are some pictures from the day.
This is where the clubhouse will be...with a plaza on top

Great view of the field

Stanbding room only today!

Always a fun time

Just a bridge I like.....

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

wart, worry, wart, worry, wart

I am in one of my states

     I am a little worried.  Maybe I am a worrywart.
     I am not sure about what....but maybe you can pick help me pick from one of these.
     My ears are still buzzing...my right ear especially.  Does that mean I am losing the hearing in that one?  Should I go to a doctor? Is this the tipping point for hearing aids?  Do I want to get a basic model or blow my savings on a high tech pair?  Maybe a funnel??  wart...wart...wart
     Severe thunderstorm watch until 5 a.m. Thursday.  So, will we get high winds and hail?  Do I need to keep awake and alert to be safe?  wart...wart....wart
     Cubs' game tomorrow....will I be too tired from worrying about the storms to drive home safely?  Will I be able to drop Jackie and crew off and park without getting yelled at by police?  Will Lester pitch a beauty?  Will rain delay the start of the game?  Will Uncle Bubba's Barbecue be on the menu?  wart...wart...wart...
     Prowlers.  Break-ins.  A neighbor said somebody rang their doorbell at 1:30 Wednesday morning but no one was there.  Were they goofy teens out to pull a prank?  Burglars casing a house?  Someone lost or confused?  Should I get a security system?  More outdoor lights?  A big ass dog?  wart...wart...wart...
     Will people I love have a safe trip?  Will the car make it both ways?  Will they be  too tired to drive?  Will they exercise all due caution, including maintaining a proper, safe stopping distance between two cars?  wart...wart...wart....
     Can I remember a Very Important Function Friday morning?  What if my alarm fails?  What if I lock myself out of the house and can't get back in to get the car keys I forgot in the first place?  wart...wart...wart....
     Will the rain ever stop so I can get the damn strawberry patch planted?  And how can I move all that dirt?  What if I need more dirt?  How can I do this soon so I can get the yard cleaned up properly?  wart...wart...wart...wart...
     How can I get my hands on about $500,000?  Will my lotto numbers win?  What if I win and lose the ticket?  What if I win and hide the ticket but forget where I hid it and maybe donate the plaid sports jacket where I hid it to a resale shop and giving up my claim to $180 million that I finally managed to win?  Where the hell is my plaid sports jacket?   wart...wart...wart..wart....
     I am going to bed.  I think I am sleep deprived.  My ear buzzes.  My eyes itch.  My shoulder hurts.  My feet itch.  What is wrong with me?  wart....wart...wart...wart.....
     Oh  no...I hear thunder............or is it my ears?   HEEEEELPPPPP!!!!!

what did you say?

I think I am deaf in my right ear

     Blame it on rock and roll.  Blame it on the Rolling Stones.
     I went to see the Stones in concert tonight (Tuesday) in Milwaukee.  They were the kick off concert for Summerfest and Emily and Julia got me a ticket for the show.  Emily and John went with, luckily, because I would have never found the venue.  There is road construction, so you can't take the highway like you normally can.
     Buddy Guy was the opening  act.  He did not come on until 8:15 or so.  The Stones did not come on until 9:30.....kind of late considering they are all in their 70s!
     And the audience had a lot of gray hairs in it also!  I actually smelled more Ben Gay than marijuana!
     It was a good show.  Lots of oldies, some newer offerings, lots of singing along with Mick.
     Speaking of Jagger, I am amazed at how well he still moves on stage.  First off, he is as skinny as a rail.  And his body goes in all directions.....he is perpetual motion while performing.  Maybe it's all the dancing that keeps him thin....I don't know.  I just wish I could move an eighth of the amount he can, and he is five years older than me!  That puts him at 72  this July.  Freakin' amazing.
     But I did not reckon (I love  that word!) on the show being so loud.  I currently hear a Hoover vac attached to a Sherman tank in my right ear....and nothing else.  Just that sucking sound.  I can't hear my fingers type.  I don't know if Jackie has talked to me or not.
     It is 2:30, and she should be asleep.....and so should I.
     I did take some pictures, but it is too late to download and post....so maybe tomorrow night.
     In the mean time, I am going to get some satisfaction from the bed....get it?  Satisfaction, hey hey hey!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

deja vu

My heart goes out to the people south of us

     Woodhaven Lakes, Coal City, places I never think about.  In fact, I never knew where Coal City was.
     But tonight they are in my thoughts.
     I also wonder how I  can help.  I can't do a lot of physical things, but I can send money and support to people in those areas.
     I am sue when dawn breaks we will have a better picture of what happened and how much was damaged.  Hopefully, there will be 0 fatalities.
     This storm seemed to go on for a long time.  It seems almost three hours since the first news broke of a possible tornado near Sterling.  This storm has stayed on the ground a long time...and seems Io be getting stronger as it moves.
     Nature is beginning to scare me.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

ummmm, ummm, good

I went out to dinner for Fathers' Day

     Nice meal.....newly opened steakhouse in DeKalb.
     My heart was set on the Lake Superior whitefish, but they were out of that.  So I got a steak.
     It was really nicely done.  Problem was, I had eaten so much bread, I could not finish the little hunk of aged Angus.
     So I got a take home container.
     And promptly dropped it in the parking lot.
     The steak flopped out and landed on the pavement.
     I followed the five second rule and scooped it up.  When I got home I ran hot water over it and rubbed it thoroughly.
     I will have it for supper....but I will wash it again and make sure to microwave it for several seconds to kill any germs.
     Is that gross?
     I don't think so, because it was a pretty expensive cut of cattle.  And the pavement looked clean.
With all the rain we have had, most of the dirt has been washed away.
     So I feel pretty confident that the meat won't kill me.
     At lease, I hope not.
     And I talked to Julia today, which means that this was a pretty darn good day.  Steak or no steak.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

the sun will come up tomorrow

I have a new work list

     I have a new jobs list for around the house this week.
     I started making a Sunday to Saturday list, with days I am busy included.  Then I write down all the things I want to accomplish and on what days I plan on doing that job.
     My list for last week included 9 projects and I got....let me count....1 done.  That's one.  Out of nine.
     I blame the weather for a couple of them....it was hard to move dirt with 5 inches of rain.  But that's the only one.
     This week I have even less time to get things done....so I will keep the same list, just use different days.
      I get so overwhelmed, I don't know where to start.  So i don't start.
      Maybe I would be better without any list....but I need a plan, a road map.  Direction.
     I also need dry weather.
     Drat.....I have three more jobs for the list....now I am up to 12.
     Mowing.  Trimming.  Fertilizing plants......and house cleaning go  on the list.  Funny, housecleaning was the only one I did last week, so I just leave it on my list.  The two of us are not really dirty, but we are set in our ways.
     Oh well....a man's work is never done.  And never started either.

Friday, June 19, 2015

getting there doesn't always count

I had a chicken pot pie tonight

     I love chicken.  I love flaky crust.  I love creamed vegetables mixed together.  I liked the chicken pot pie.
     The problem is, it was a chicken pot pie!
     Zoo days are iffy for supper. We usually get a pizza, or Jimmy John's (at least until I read about the owner....which is making me rethink my sandwich tastes.  I love elephants.  No, not on a bun...alive and walking.)
     But I had a couple of stops to make...specifically Oak Brook, and the Container Store.  (You may remember my last attempt to go there ended with me being lost and parking  in front of a restaurant that only exists in Budapest, Hungary.)
     I bought a coat.   Obviously not at the Container Store.  It was $129.  But it was marked down 25 percent.  Plus I got another 15 per cent off as an educators' discount.  My total was $108.
     I thought nothing of it, (math was never a strong suit) paid, and left.  Walking down the path of life I thought:  $129 is close to $130.  Ten percent of 130 is 13.  So 20 percent is 26.  And half of 13 is 6 and a half...so my discount should have been at least......32, as in dollars.
     I also realized that might be a common core approach to math, but it is also the way most people approach the problem.
     I looked at the bill and did not see the 25 per cent markdown.  So I went back and they voided the first transaction and redid the sale.  Total:  $88.  I was happy.
     I was also happy thinking I was finally going to try the barbecue place in DeKalb.  Jackie does not necessarily like barbecue, so I was stopping to get her a sandwich, then I would go to the barbecue place in DeKalb.
     What to eat...ribs?  Chicken?  Pulled pork?
     I sat in traffic on 88.  Ribs.  I sat again in traffic on 88.  Pork might be good.  Traffic was really slow.   I can't figure that out.  Why does it stop when there is no accident, no construction, no impediments on the road?   People just stopped.  Several times.  Chicken.
     When I finally got to the barbecue place in DeKalb, my stomach was growling, my glands salivating and my mind made up:  RIBS!!
     They were closed.  7 p.m. on Friday night.  Closed.
     KFC was open.  So I got a chicken pot pie.
     It was ok.
     It just wasn't barbecued ribs.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

boiling is 212?

I am pretty ticked right now

    The same telemarketing group has called twice within the past hour.  It is after 10:30 and this idiot is calling me about windows?
     I used a name I should not have used after asking for his supervisor.  He kept saying no, no, and I called him a word that is a part of every one's anatomy and is vital to the waste elimination process.
     Now I am not proud of the fact that I called this person that, but holy cow, it is late!
     Last week someone called and asked for me and I told them I was dead.  They said they were very sorry and would not call me again.
     Julia gets calls from the Democratic party.....they don't seem to get the message that she lives out of country.
     And today Comcast called with some great new offers.  I told the guy I was so pissed at Comcast I was thinking of putting up an antenna and cancelling cable.  I don't think that one will call again!
     I should learn not to answer a number I don't recognize...but it is a reflex.  Phone rings, I pick up.
     Carl Haissen (maybe spelled right) wrote a novel about a man harassed by a call center.  He tracked them down, drove across country,  and terrorized them.  It was a pretty funny book, but I can't remember the name of it.
     I don't think I can afford to go to Asia, or India, or wherever some of these people are.
     I know people have to make a living.... but do they have to interfere with my privacy to do it?
     And we are on the do not call list.....doesn't seem to do much good.
     Hopefully they won't call again.........and maybe I'll win the lottery!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

how did we make it this far

I miss some of the old playground apparatuses

     Or is it apperati?  I am not sure.
     Was passing out lunches today at Cooper Park and talking with a couple of former students, Will and Carley.  The topic was playground equipment.
     The single post swinging gate that a kid could hold on and spin around rapidly.  A may pole type attraction that you could hang on and spin around.
     Remember teeter totters?  Don't see them anymore.
     By the way, I was always the least popular kid on the teeter totter.  When I got on, the other end went up.   And if I got off quickly, the other end came down quickly.   ( No comments please.  I like to think of myself as big boned.)
     And merry go rounds, where you could get kids to run along side, turning the thing until you felt like you would fly off.
     And the animals on big springs that you could rock back and forth.
     The general thought was:  How did we survive?
     Oh sure, there were occasional broken arms, legs and maybe a spine or two, but those were kids who did not hold on.  If you held on, you were ok.  And you learned not to get on a teeter totter with  someone considerably bigger than you.  Kind of a math lesson, or science lesson, in the use of levers if you think about it.
     What happened to them?
     My guess is one too many park districts, or school districts, were sued because a child was seriously injured.  Liability issues drove the fun stuff out.
     Maybe the playground equipment needed a better lobby....someone to represent them and claim that they were as much a part of American life as peanut butter and bacon.
     If you have a second, tell me which piece of play stuff you miss.
     I bet the teeter totter comes up a lot....no pun intended.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

No knock downs for me

I was almost in a fight with a total stranger

     I was in high school and on a date.  With a girl.
     Now, please understand I did not have a car.  I took my dates on the bus, which probably explains why I only had one or two dates with most girls.  By the way, relying on a bus is a problem.  One date got so cold waiting with me for a bus, she called her mom for a ride.  She did not offer me a ride, so I still had to wait for the bus.  On our second date, we had a fine time until after I said goodnight.  that's when I found out the Milwaukee Avenue bus did not run after 11 p.m.  That was one long, lonely walk home.
     Anyway, I had my date with me and we were crossing the street when I bumped into the person next to me.  I apologized, but someone had been drinking and wanted to part of my apology.
     They wanted to fight, and squared around while stepping in front of me.
     She was a woman.  Very drunk.  Very pregnant.  Very mad.
     She accused me of all sorts of things like disrespect, carelessness, not caring....she went on and on.
     I explained I was so madly in love with the girl I was with, I did not see her and really did not mean to bump her.
     Then it got weird.
     She settled down, became friendly, and invited herself along on our date...with me paying!  It was like we were old friends who just met by accident.
    When the bus finally came, date and I climbed on board.  Drunken pregnant lady seemed oblivious, so we left her at the bus stop.
     I never minded taking the bus and figured if a girl liked me, she would not mind either.
     Problem was, I could never find one who liked me enough to go on a third date.
     When I turned 15, my dad sold the family car.  He figured we never went anyplace anyway, so why have one?  I think he did it because he knew when I turned 16 I would want to borrow the car, so it became easier to do without one rather than letting me drive.
     I was 21 before I finally got my license....and it was Jackie who took me for the test.

Monday, June 15, 2015

three is a charm

I am not a Hawkey fan

     But I did watch the final tonight for  the Stanley Cup.  Pretty impressive.
     Chicago fans are not used to a team winning multiple times.
     Sure, we got spoiled with MJ, Scotty, Rodman and the Bulls teams of the 90s, but that was karma.     The basketball gods smiled on Chicago with a talented bunch of players.
     Maybe the Hawks are a dynasty.  I hope they can keep the group of young players they  have, plus add a couple of  veterans to shore up any weak areas.  A dynasty would be nice.
     There was an article about Stan Mikita in the Trib today.  Mikita was a center in the Bobby Hull era and was the first player to wear a helmet.
     Mikita was a great player.  Tough scorer, great stick handler, a true gentleman of the game.
     He has developed dementia.  At age 75 he has no memory.  None.  His wife said it came on suddenly, starting last fall.  By Christmas his mind was gone.
     She did not blame hockey, saying it was a game Stan loved and it was his life.
     Reading the story, I felt sad for the family yet at the same time there was a reason to be happy.  Stan is a healthy 75 year old kid, exploring the world for the first time.  With no memory, he has no history of hurtful remarks, failures, errors, mistakes, regrets, deaths or any other bad things in life.
      His wife has accepted his situation.  She has lost her husband, but he is still alive.
     His brain will be donated to science when the time comes.  Just another contribution Stan Mikita will make to the world.
     But on this night, we celebrate the champions.  Hawks, Cubs, Sox, Bears, then Bulls......time for a clean sweep of sports titles!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

rain, rain.........

I hope I can work in the yard tomorrow!

     We have had 3 inches of rain...at least.  I had 1 1/4 and 1 3/4 in my rain gauge on Saturday and Sunday.  If my addition of fractions is correct, that is 3.
     I went to a store that sells wood to buy the frames for my raised garden.  I bought 3 8 ft. boards.  I told the guy working there I wanted one board cut in half.
     Well.... it wasn't exactly 96 inches...more like 96 1/4.  He had to measure from the saw blade to the end of the board.  He measured it twice.  Then he measured the other end.  He said they weren't even, so he measured again.
     Then he had me measure one end.  I said it was 47 and 3/4.  So he cut the board.
     The one half was an inch and a half shorter than the other.
     So I had him cut the longer one to match the shorter one. If I was doing this at home, I would have cut the shorter one and wondered what the hell happened.
     This all goes to prove that fractions give people trouble, especially when measuring.
     I am not ashamed to admit I have cut things incorrectly because I figured the fraction wrong.
     I hate being exact, so I work and live in a "ther eabout" world.  If it is close, it works for me.
     I have the wood (not a sexual reference....geez, not everything is about sex) and hopefully tomorrow I can begin the dirt filling in the garden process.
     I just hope I can move the mud, after all, we have had 3 inches of rain, or there abouts, so it could be messy.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

the lion is not roaring tonight!

I am still working on my movie list

     When the Oscar nominated films are released, I make a vow to watch a many of the movies as I can.
     Then I don't watch them.  I never see that MGM lion roar.  Never.
     I don't understand why...I have plenty of time.
     I think I have a three year list of movies to watch.  I plan to go see the new Jurassic Park......but we know where that will end.  That will go on my list when it comes out on DVD, and I still won't watch it.
     I have had Saving Private Ryan for five months....not watched.  Kevin gave me three baseball movies.   Last season.   Not watched.  John gave me Hard Days Night, digitally remastered in Blu Ray.  I love the Beatles.  Not watched.  However, one benefit of my procrastinating is since it was at my house, it was not destroyed in the tornado.
     Now it is baseball season and I watch a lot of Cubs games.  Sometimes I listen to them on the radio because the broadcasts are not on the stupid Rockford channel that is supposed to carry them.  I miss Chicago stations.
     And it all makes me wonder what I do with my life.  Other people work and still see movies!  I don't work and don't see them.
     So I am going to make a  new list of 10 movies I want to watch and will watch them before we go visit Julia.  That gives me one month.
     Can I do it?  Time will tell.  Or not.
     I also have some sorting to do in the garage.  And in the basement.  Need to have a garage sale to get rid of stuff and prepare for the big Kane County weekend......but that is another story.
     Then I'll get started on all the books I have yet to read....and finish my book....and sort pictures...
     Maybe I'll just go to bed for now.

Friday, June 12, 2015

let's play 2 today

I am the Wrigley jinx

     I admit it..... it's my fault.
     I have followed the Cubs since I was born....and they haven't won a World Series game ever in my lifetime.
     Ok, maybe a lack of talent has been a major factor..... but maybe it's me.
     We had our second Cub game today.
     It was beautiful at Wrigley!  Sun shining, temps in the lower 70s, soft summer breeze blowing gently to the power alley in right.
     A  typical June 12 day in Illinois.
     Maybe it was the ball yard lights and not the sun, maybe it was a cold breeze off the lake that carried a rather heavy mist on us during the first three innings of play and then brought a little fog onto the field in the sixth inning which made it hard to follow the ball.  And maybe the game time temp was somewhere in the 20 below range, but we were at the ball park!
     I even made a new friend!!

      Clark really liked my belly.  He made three wishes while rubbing it, but none of them came true.  Clark did not find pants that fit, the Cubs did not deliver in the clutch, and the sun did not make it a beautiful day.
     And yes, that is a nice sweatshirt, thank you very much.  I nice sweatshirt like that could cost $25 or $30 in a store, but at the ball park it was an unbelievable steal for only $49!
      Yes, dear.  I should have taken one of the 7 sweatshirts I have hanging in the closet that are already paid for.  You were right.
     No dear, I did not break the zipper on my coat, rendering it useless as a protective device, just to buy a new sweatshirt.
     This is what happens to me.  I put out my lip balm to take with, and don't take it.  As soon as I realize that I don't have it, my lips hurt.  So I stop at a 7-11 by the park to buy a 99 cent Carmex, which is priced at a reasonable $2.99 just so my lips will stop hurting even though they were never hurting until I remembered I forgot the stuff to keep them from hurting.
     Did I mention it was damn cold, rainy, misty, cold, and the Cubs could not score a runner from second base again!
     Cubs lose.   5-4.
     But it was still a great day.....the smell of the park, the Smokie Link, good friends, and a shower.
      If Ernie were here, we'd be playing two.
     And I'd need another sweatshirt, cause it was cold!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

it's a tough time

Living in a small town can be painful

Why?  Because you know people.  You know the kids.  You know the families.
When one child is hurt,  or worse, you feel their pain.
Hug your kids today.
That's it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

away we go.....

I am expanding my raised garden beds

     I have two beds now. One has tomatoes, beans, and cucumbers, the other has peas, carrots, green peppers and some more beans.
     My third and final, frame will be strawberries.
     We love strawberries.  But the ones we get in the store just don't have the same taste punch the ones freshly picked out of the garden have.
     Maybe it is all the work in planting, weeding, picking and pruning the berries that make them taste so good.  Maybe it's that they were picked within a day, or hour, of eating as opposed to picked a week ago and shipped on a rail car to a distribution center where they are shipped out to a grocery store.
     Those berries could spend more time on the road than a traveling window and door salesman.
     I have asked the experts about planting berries, and they all said go ahead.  Ok, they maybe were not experts, but they all had planted berries at some point.
     Tuesday and Wednesday of next week I will be working on my raised bed.  All able bodied helpers are appreciated, as I have some dirt to move.
     It should be about 110 by then.
     Several Rotarians replanted the garden in front off the library today.  We planned the project for when the heat would be at its greatest.
     But the garden area does look nice.  Drive by the library and check out the new butterfly/hummingbird garden.  It is a little wilty now, but once the plants get a couple of doses of water, they will be looking good!
     Which is more than I can say about me!  Dick Cheney, indeed.........

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

it's summertime

I got my summer haircut today

     Now, my hair is usually longish.....dates back to my almost hippie days in the 60s...back when I was a roadie for the Stones and before I got married had kids and gave up the drug and sex lifestyle and shoulder length hair for a stable home life.
     My hair was getting a little long, so I got a summer cut.

     Now it seems like I don't have any hair at all!
Amazing how huge my forehead is!  And look at those age spots!  Holy crappers, Batman!
   I did figure out how to take a selfie....so I guess that is progress..
   I already feel cooler with my summer cut.  It won't take as long to comb or dry, I won't sweat as much.  And I think I look 15 years younger.
     Anyway, discovered a few other pictures I thought I would share, just because I thought I would.
Here's one from Wrigley Field at my first game of the season.  Wonder why Ronnie has a fence....

I saw this farm and just liked the way the sun was hitting it.

 I found this guy along the Perryville bike path.   I think it's a corn snake....but I am not sure.

Tonight's sunset.

That's all.....
Good night, sleep tight.

Monday, June 8, 2015

pencils have erasers

I am scheduling....so watch out

     Sometimes the best laid plans turn into a cluster.
     Rotary is doing the Wednesday at Cooper Park summer free lunch program.  But we have enough people to also do Thursday, and no one has to go more than twice a month.
     Unfortunately, the lunch program people did not communicate.  I told them we could staff Thursday, made up a schedule, sent it out to Rotarians, got some corrections and feedback.  All was well.
     Then I got the lunch schedule, and Thursday belongs to a local business.
     Here's where the fun begins.
     I send another e mail to the people who volunteered.  Since it is the weekend, people are responding to the first e mail, which has the Thursday schedule, and not the second, which explains why they don' t have to do anything Thursday.
     I have people scheduled for days we are not doing lunches, and no one scheduled for days we are doing lunches.......and e mails everywhere!
     For a slightly ADD person, this has been hell!!
     I don't plan well to start with.  Today I even listed places to go in order, but when things hit the fan, courtesy of a crazy dog, then plans get changed and timing gets thrown off.
     I did manage to get the chairs mailed, and I stopped at Lowe's to buy a new hose holder for outside.
     Man those puppies have gone up in price!  If it wasn't so darn messy, I'd just leave the hose coiled in the driveway.
     But our property is looking less like mess.  Every week it seems to look a little better out there.
     Now if someone would come get their trailer.......
     (And yes, some days my life goes like that...one point to another, with nothing completed)
     I think the lunch program may still be looking for volunteers.  It is a really good opportunity to do community service.  Contact them today through their Facebook page, (Free Lunch 4 Kids Rochelle IL)  and you too can be a helper in your community.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

it could be, it might be, it is!

I hit for the cycle today!

     I know, I don't play  baseball.
     Unlike Dan, I can't run after those balls anymore.
     When a player hits for the cycle, he has a single, double, triple and homer.
      Understand, I don't play baseball anymore.   Never the less, I hit the cycle today!  I covered every mistake I am prone to do.
     Went to a graduation party and called the mom by her sister's name, and called her sister by the mom's name.  I seem to have a tendency to do that.  I was positive I was right.  Jackie showed me their Facebook pages and whoops!  Reversed the names.  I am counting that as a double.
     Forgot to get something at the store....even though that is what I went to the store for.  Three days ago. Have gone twice since then and still not bought it.  Call that a single.
      Said farewell to some friends at church and got a little teary eyed.  Happens every time I say goodbye to people who (whom?) I don't expect to see again, despite our promises to keep in touch.  In one year they will just remember the old geezer at church who could not tell a weed from a plant and consistently pulled out the plants.  Call that a triple.  And I will miss them.  Good people.
     And my home run......double booked for Monday and Friday!  RSVP'd (sounds funny....especially the P'd part) for an event Friday, told the zoo people I would see them Friday June 12 because I had a Cub game June 19, got a message from Linda that my Cub game is actually June 12 and how am I going for wine if I am in Chicago?
     So, had to un-RSVP......which I now know how to do.  You can't just reply to an e-vite.....you have to go in and change your yes to a no.  Old dogs do learn new tricks!  Wrote the zoo folks to tell them I will not be there June 12, but will be there June 19, messaged John W. to make sure I told him the right date for a mid week Cub game I am taking Jackie to, and then decided to clean the garage.
     I got part of it done and staked the trees, then cleaned up the mess on the porch, and finished wrapping the chairs to send back....but luckily I finished all of that.
     And realized I am helping with a Rotary project and attending a training session for church, both Monday, in addition to paying the taxes and returning the chairs.
     If there was another hit in store, it would be the pulled pork.  I tend to take risks with eating leftovers.   We had leftovers from my niece's graduation party last Saturday.  I may have pushed it by eating the pulled pork again today, 8 days after it was cooked.  It was still good, I hope.
Hey, that's enough for now.  I gotta go.  Really.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

win some, lose some

I now have a deck umbrella

    Thanks to John and Emily, who helped get it assembled and weighed down.
    This is a cantilevered six foor square umbrella.  It is nice.  Or at least it looked nice in the store.
    John and I sort of skimmed through the directions.  I was puzzled as to why it did not look right.    Emily had the directions and asked, "Did you guys read the info in the boxed area?   Usually if it is in a box, that means it is very important,"  or something to that effect.
    We did not.  She did.
    Under her direction, we adjusted the arm according to the directions and:  Voila!!  Looks like it should look.
    So two of my must dos are done for this weekend.
    And a bonus.  After three days of looking for the Big R receipt so I could return my new jeans, I hopped on my bike and took a ride.
    My nose started running, so I put my hand into my pocket and pulled out the Big R receipt!
    In my biker pants!  Go figure.
    Call it a bonus for the weekend, but now I feel better about returning the pants.
    That's it.
    And no, I did not use the receipt instead of a tissue.
    Now, that's it.  For sure.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Not tonight dear

I am really tired

     Up at 6 because of a very vivid dream. Did not fall asleep again.
     Not used to missing a nap.
     I have four things on my to do list this weekend.  Since I just dozed off by the computer, think I'll go to bed and hit the ground running in the morning.
     By the way, it was about 15 degrees warmer in Rochelle than at the zoo today.  Brr.

     Peace and love.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

double drat

I goofed again......surprise

     I bought some blue jeans at Big R.  Tried on a 38 waist, it was too big.  So I tried the 36, and it fit better.
     With my bulk, it is still a tight fit.....but the 38s fell off my not so slender body.
     I put the 38s back on the shelf, bought the 36s and went home.
     Fast forward three days and I look at the pants......38 waist.  I put the wrong ones back.
     Of course, I can't find the receipt.  Hopefully they will exchange them when I take them back.
     I have been riding my bike more.  Got 12 miles in today, had 10 miles yesterday.  My legs feel good, and I was not really tired when I was done riding today.
     Of course it is also house cleaning day, and my butt was dragging when I finally quit at 3.
     I quit to do my newspaper column.  It isn't due until next week.  At least I am early.
     Jackie asked me how the riding was going.  I held up four fingers.
     "You lost four pounds?  That's great," she said.
     Her smile disappeared when I said it wasn't a loss........
     I seem to be the only person who exercises more and gains weight.
     It's probably all muscle.  Right?
     But it isn't a sprint, it's a marathon.  Maybe by Switzerland I will have lost a couple of pounds.  And wouldn't it be great if the 36s were too big?
      Time for my weary head to rest.  I think I am dreaming while I'm still awake.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

life is weird

I had a full day today

     I had to get an oil change.  So I loaded my bike on my car and took a little ride while they worked on the car.
     I go to a dealer on Riverside at Perryville in Rockford.  The path to Rock Cut is right there, so I decided it would be a nice ride.
     What happened to me?
     I could not get up the hill going into the park.  That has never happened before.  I had to stop and rest a couple of times on the equestrian access road, which I am not sure is even a bike path.  Are bikes authorized vehicles?
     I had to work like crazy to get to the concession stand by the lake....another uphill ride.
     Let me clarify uphill:  the road is not flat.  It does not matter that it was a relatively minor hill, I struggled to get up it.
     Was it the wind?  Am I out of shape?  Am I not into riding a lot this year?  Am I getting too old for this stuff?  Yes, to all of the prior questions.
     Then I went grocery shopping.
     Nothing like strolling through a store with your zipper down.  No wonder women were grabbing their kids and hiding them from my sight.  Would it have hurt someone to say, "Hey, mister, XYZ"  I would have appreciated it.
    (On the plus side, three octogenarians gave me their phone numbers.  OK, one was a man, but hey.)
     Our doorbell stopped working after the storm.  So I went to the place in Belvidere where we bought it, and bought another.
     After buying it, the man asked if I had checked the buttons.  I said one day they worked, next day they didn't work so I didn't think it would be the button.
     Wrong-o, AC/DC breath.  One button could have a short, which prevents the other button from working.
     I did not know that.
     I also did not know that doorbells have transformers, in the basement, and if the transformer goes out, the doorbell doesn't work.
     My plan was buy a new thingy and hang it.  Guess it is not so simple.
     I guess I have to call someone.
     I just hope when they come, they don't ring the bell and leave.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

burrrrp....excuse me

I just can't control myself

     Had a big salad for supper.  Followed that with a pulled pork sandwich, courtesy my niece and her husband who hosted a graduation party Sunday and leave for Ireland Wednesday.  No leftovers, was the rule.
     Even ate a smallish lunch...skipped the cookie and the chips because I really need to lose weight.
     Then I went to weed the garden at church.
     There  I was surrounded by healthy, good for your body produce.  Kale.  Radishes.  Some fresh strawberries.
     Did I eat any of that?
     NOOOOOOOOO, oh Buddha belly.
     I had a piece of raspberry pie.  Really tasty, must have been fresh raspberries.
     And the whipped cream layer cake looked yummy, so I had to try a slice of that.
     What's this?  A gingerbread pie?  Weeeeeelllll, gotta sample that.
     A couple of cookies, some pretzels dipped in a honey mustard sauce.
     And one freshly picked strawberry.  That was very tasty.
     Thanks Luke and Chris.........now I am even larger than I was before!
     And then, I get home and what do I find?  A couple of pieces of banana cream pie on a chocolate crumb base.  I put a dollop (I love that word) of whipped cream on it and enjoyed another really tasty dessert.
     Tomorrow (Wednesday, for those of you who lose track of my multiple use of (  ) ), I am taking my car in for a 10 a.m. oil change.  I will take my bike with and ride up to Rock Cut State Park.  It's only about 6 miles round trip, but every little bit helps.
     If I could only use that approach with food.

Monday, June 1, 2015

oh deer

We had two fawns in our yard today

     I saw them scamper past around 3.  They babies were jumping and running like crazy.  One was feeding, and mom actually stepped on it.  Didn't seem to hurt the baby at all.
     They had a stare down with the neighbor's dogs......we were a little afraid the babies would not know the dogs were dangerous and go over to play, but hey didn't.
     Mom took them across Flagg Road.....surprised they all made it.  I am sure they will be back to nibble on my garden plants or the hostas.
     Deer are just some of the wildlife we have in our yard.  There are ground squirrels, not to be confused with chipmunks, and rabbits.  We can hear coyotes in the park, but I have never seen one.
     Then there is the hole.
     I have a hole about 8 inches in diameter in the yard.  There is no ring around it, so I don't think a burrowing animal made it.
     I have not seen anything large enough living in the area that would need a hole that size.
     So now I worry.
     Is it a sink hole developing?  Will my house be sucked down into it?
     Is it a spirit hole, where the original dwellers of the area lived and went back to when times got tough?
     Is it a volcano?
     Are there giant bees living in the yard?
     I don't know if there is an answer.  I do know I have some sand and will be filling it up in the next week or so.
     I just hope that is not a mistake.  Would hate for a critter to burrow into the basement.