Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Should auld aquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind

And one last story

     Someone remembered my story from yesterday's wine tasting.
     Years ago, I had a coat that looked like one Bob Dylan wears on one of his album covers.  It was brown on the outside, and had a fluffy white lining.  It was not a shearling jacket, the lining was cotton or nylon or something.
     I wore it because I loved Bob Dylan and thought someday I could be like him, singing amazing songs that people had trouble understanding.
     I think Emily was a toddler.
     We went downtown at Christmas to look at the store windows.  Afterwards, we went to the Thompson Center because there was an Illinois shop there that sold items made in Illinois.
     I opened the door and let Jackie and the kids in first, and I followed a few steps behind.
     I hadn't taken five steps when a woman stopped me and said, "Oh, you are here for the dinner,  It's this way."
   I said, "What dinner?"
     She looked at me and said, "Why, for the city's homeless and less fortunate at the holidays."
     Evidently my way cool coat made me look like a homeless guy.
     Jackie looked at me and said, "That's are getting a new coat today."
     I did.  Eventually I got a shearling coat, which I still wear today, but only on the coldest days.
     I never did stick to my guitar lessons.  Never did become a folk singer.
     But I did do one blog a day for 2014.
     For me, that was a major accomplishment.
     So thank you for reading this, and for commenting, correcting, laughing and whatever else you do.
     I want to continue.....just not sure how frequently at this point.
     I wish you all a happy new year.  I hope 2015 is a healthy, happy year and a prosperous year.
    You all make me feel like George Bailey when Clarence gives him is book and inscribes, "No man is a failure who has friends."
     Peace to all of you.

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