Saturday, December 27, 2014

500 miles, 500 miles....lord I can't go back home this way

I have a new goal for a new year

     Last year my goal was to have a blog entry every single day.  And I went above that, seeing as July has 33 entries.  Still not sure how that happened.
    I wrote when I was sad, sick, stumped, in Switzerland, under the influence of a glass or two of red and in trouble for not putting the toilet seat down.  (Not true.  I always put the seat down.  I have been well trained.  Sometimes I exaggerate.)
     I have almost reached my goal.
     So now I have a new goal.  I am going to walk and ride 500 miles in 2015.  Not together, but separately.  I will walk 500 miles.  I will ride 500 miles.
     I decided this amazing undertaking while munching on a handful of nuts, after eating French silk pie and fudge, after eating pizza, after having a turkey leg and chips for lunch......and noticing my pants don't button.
     And I don't mean my regular pants.  Jackie got me a pair with an expandable waist....and the button does not quite reach the hole.  Even expanded.
     (Beth, insert comments here!)
     (And yes, Renee, every year since you have known me I have said the same thing.  But this year will be different.  Read on.)
     I have almost accomplished a difficult task for a person who does not complete tasks.
     I feel the world is my oyster!  I can undertake any challenge!  I can overcome!
     How will I do it?
     I have an idea.
     I plan to go to a fitness center and use the treadmills.  If I go three times a week and walk 3 miles each time, that is 9 miles a week, or about 450 miles.  Plus, I walk around the block in the summer.
     I have a stationary bike in the basement.  I can ride, watch TV, and record my mileage.  Usually I ride about 6 miles each time downstairs, so if I do that twice a week, I have 12 miles, which is over 600 miles.
     I have reached my goal.
     Now, I know that the whole thing is overwhelming, so I plan to break it down into weekly segments.  I will keep track weekly, and not do a running total until the midway point and the end.  That way, if I fall behind (when, rather) I won't feel a complete failure, just a failure for that week.
I will also keep track of my weight.  On New Year's Day I will weigh myself and the challenge will begin.
     Until then, Jackie baked a lot of cookies, and there is a lot of candy, and the egg nog is calling.

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