Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The name game.....

Sometimes little things drive me crazy

     A few nights ago we watched the Rudolph special.  Jackie and I don't remember it, which is strange.  I would have been 15 when it aired the first time, and maybe it wasn't cool to be watching a cartoon about Christmas.
     But I don't remember watching it with our girls either, which is strange.
     At the end, Santa hitches up Rudolph to guide his sleigh and they take off.  But there are only 6 reindeer plus Rudolph.
     So who is missing, I wondered.  But the problem was, I could only name 7.  The name of the last reindeer eluded me and frustrated me.  So I Googled it.  Now I know all eight.
     I can remember the four Beatles, but only six of the seven dwarfs.  I keep forgetting Dopey.
     When I think of tv shows, like Cheers, I can remember all the major characters.  Same with Frazier, and the Bob Newhart Show.
     But I can't remember the name of the person I met yesterday.
     Weird, huh?
     The ceiling is finished.  Dan came over today and we placed the last six panels.  It looks pretty darn good!
     I did not do much, John and Dan handled 99 percent of the nailing and drilling.
     I am eternally grateful for their help.
     I have a return vent to paint and install, which I should be able to do Friday.  Then it will be time to trim it out to give it a polished, finished look.  But that will have to wait until my arm is ready to do work again.
     I even got the tree trimmed downstairs and the room fairly cleaned......have to finish that tomorrow.
     That's it!

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