Saturday, December 13, 2014

Listen, do you want to know a secret

I sometimes just don't get it

     I admit, there are things i just don't get!
     The little girl who loved the guinea pig I had out today.  She might have been 3.  Mom said, "Do you want to take that guinea pig home tonight?"  The little girl lit up like a Christmas tree with the happiest grin I have seen.  "Well, the man says you can't."  Mom added, and the little girl looked at me with a sad face.  Mom did this four times....each time telling the little girl I wouldn't let her take the guinea pig home.
     Medicare sent me an explanation of benefits.  They have denied four claims, each for "changing and maintaining body position functional limitation, current status, at therapy episode outset and at reporting."  The facility charge was:  Hold on to your hats!!!! 1 cent.  1 cent  per occurrence.  I wonder if the hospital will send me a bill for 4 cents???
     I got behind a man in a fairly new car on the way to DeKalb today.  Yes, it was foggy.  Yes, you do need to be cautious.  But driving 35 with 9 cars behind you is not being cautious.  If foggy weather scares you, STAY the Hell home!
     Oops.  Sorry.  Start of a rant, but I will not succumb to that internal pressure tonight.
    I stopped at a McDonald's for a light supper on the way home.  Ordered a small Sprite.  Now, I think they just spray soda into a cup with ice that costs maybe 15 cents....maybe.  A small pop cost me $1.40!!  For a small pop!!  I would have splurged and had an eggnog shake or found a pop machine if I had read the menu.
     Why don't people put on their headlights when driving in fog?  If people can't see you coming, they pull in front of you, like the guy did to the lightless pick up truck today.  I think a lot of cars have an automatic setting, so the lights come on when it gets dark enough.  People have had to stop thinking about it when they drive, so they forget that on days like today, it isn't dark enough to trigger headlights but it a safety thing to have them on.
     Why do people propose projects that can cause irreversible harm to the environment and then say "This will create jobs!" in order to sell the project.  Lots of things can create jobs:  rebuilding our current roads and bridges, revitalizing national and state parks, cleaning up litter.  But oil companies can't make money off of those types of job creating projects.
     And yes, I did have a zoo day on our anniversary.   I asked, she said yes, because she did not want to go out to dinner until Julia was home, which will be tomorrow.  Emily, John and Camryn took her out to dinner for our anniversary.  They had a nice time.  Serves me right.
     And thanks, everyone, for your anniversary blessings.  We are truly humbled by all the people who care for us.

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