Wednesday, December 3, 2014

If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning.....

I suck at DIY stuff

     I am not complaining, actually it's sort of bragging.
     I can't drive screws straight.  I can't hammer nails straight.  I can't cut boards straight.
     It is the one thing in my life that is inability to do stuff.
     John and Dan worked on my ceiling project today.  They would have gotten a lot more done if I had some idea of what I was doing.
     I had planned to center the panels in the ceiling, then just cut off the end using my new tin snips and my cut proof gloves.  (Taking a blood thinner, the last thing I want to do is cut myself.  I usually bleed for about 5 days with a paper cut, anything more serious and I could bleed out.)
     Dan's idea was much better, and results in no trimming of the panels.
     Which means it was good I did not put up firring strips.  They would have been in the wrong location for how the ceiling is getting done.
     Making a long story short, we did not finish today.  The project resumes Monday afternoon.
     It actually should go a little quicker, now that we know what we are doing.  Scratch that I know what they are doing.
     In the meantime, I am going to practice hammering and using a power screw driver.  I may get the hang of those things yet.
     And somewhere I have a box with stuff in it....plumb line, jig saw, and who knows what else.
     I have drawers full of odd nails, nuts, bolts, screws, washers, thing a ma bobs........I wonder if those can be recycled with the metals?  If not, I am tossing them.
     Going to be doing a lot of that this next year!
     Jackie and I have a goal of going through one box a week.  So in about 3 years we will go through all the boxes in the basement.    I will find my tools, she will find her dish cloths.
     And the Cubs will win the World Series.

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