Friday, December 5, 2014

500 miles, 500 miles, lord I'm 500 miles away from home

Today, for some reason, drivers made me nuts

     Spent a lot of time in the car today.  Now, I'm not saying I am the worlds greatest driver (however, I claim title to World's Greatest Dad, World's Greatest Teacher, World's Greatest Husband, because I have shirts or mugs that say that, and they wouldn't lie.  Well, actually, the husband one is bogus.)
and I know I have done some dumb things, but folks, come on!
     When it is foggy, put on your lights.   Other motorists want to see you.  If your car has a setting that says automatic for lights, they may not be going on in the fog.
     When it is raining, put on your lifts.  It is the law. Plus, other drivers can see you.
     A center turn lane is for turning left.  That's why all those arrows are there.
     Drive, damn it!  I am not a speed demon.  I do the limit, and I do over the limit at times.  Please don't do 35 on Flagg Road!  Because of your slow speed, and my inability to pass due to east bound traffic, a school bus pulled out in front of you.  When the school bus reaches the railroad tracks, they stop. They stop for a long time.  Then they hit the second track.  They stop for a long time again.  My 2:15 coffee was beginning to exert a pressure that made me uncomfortable and you are lucky I did not get out and pee on your  car!
     Read the highway signs.  If the huge sign says "Right Lane Ends," there is a good chance, a very good chance, that your lane ends.  When a nice courteous driver approaches from the rear of your car and sees you are going to have to move over and slows down so you can, have the brains to move over and not begin to stop.  And please, don't drive on the shoulder next to me while you decide what you need to makes me nervous!
     If you change lanes more than three times in 10 seconds and you are not exiting, you may be an idiot.
     Stop signs mean stop.  Don't just slow down and try to follow the car ahead of you through the intersection.
     If I am in the far right lane, and there are three lanes to the left of me, please do not feel obligated to ride my tail.  I encourage you to use one of the three empty lanes and go around me, like a sane person would do.
     If you have cruise control, set it.  That is a lot easier than passing me, pulling in front of me, slowing down, and having me pass you, only to repeat this dance three more times between IL 47 and the DeKalb oasis.  I do have to admit, when you went from 70 to 55, it did cause a hearty chuckle from me as I passed you, again.
     And we all know that the on ramps for tollways and expressways are for accelerating, right?  You should not be going 40 when you enter traffic and everyone else is going a higher speed.  Use the ramp to build speed so you can merge effortlessly into the stream of traffic, not bring it to a grinding halt.
    Like I said, I know I am not perfect.  I forget to signal at times.  I do forget once in a while to put my lights on when it's raining.  And one time I did take a shortcut, which involved driving down a sidewalk for 25 feet or so, but in my defense, the street had never been a cul de sac before and I had gone that route several times.  I just thought it was a big speed bump.
     Thanks for letting me vent.

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