Monday, December 1, 2014

so tired, tired of waiting

I hate being on hold on the telephone

     I called the Sleep Number bed people today.  We bought a Sleep Number a few years ago, and a big hump has developed in the middle.  After a 10 minute wait, the young person with a strange accent, could have been Boston or New York or New Delhi, had me pull the bed apart and check the foam divider between the sides.  It was up.  He said, push it down.  I did, and the bed looks fine.
But Jackie doesn't like it.  I sleep ok, until the prostate screams, "Wake up and hit the head."
     As long as I am on the topic of phones, (I wasn't, but it is a great segue, don't you think?) I have a Coventry health care plan.
     The have a wellness check that is free. (Yes, I know, nothing is free.  We are paying for it through our premiums.)  A CN will come to the house, assess my state of health, and make some suggestions.
Someone called  to ask if I am ready to schedule an appointment.  I say yes.  They ask me for date of birth, address, city, zip code.  I give them all that, then they go to the schedule and find an appointment time.
     No person was in the area that week.
     They called again.  Same routine.  Same response, no person was in the area.
     The last time they called,v which was the fifth time,  I said, "I bet you are calling for a wellness check.  Before we both waste a lot of time, do you have a person in the area?"
    The answer was no.
     My suggestion would be to call me first to schedule a time, then work around that.  But they will eventually figure that out.
     This is how I roll.  I am putting away glasses tonight.  Jackie gives me four.  I say, just give me one at a time so I don't drop any and break them.  She gives me one glass, which I immediately use to knock over a glass, sending it to the floor where it shattered into a billion pieces.  Figuratively speaking.  I would have been better off with four.
     My van is a mess.  Carried a Scotch pine tree and three 4 x 8 sheets of Styrofoam, and it needs to be cleaned.  Not going to happen this week.
     Wow...cleared a lot out of my mind tonight!
     Now I'll go to my Sleep Number bed and dial up a #64 dream.  That's one where the Bears, Cubs, Sox, Hawks and Bulls all win championships.
     Some day, that dream will come true!

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