Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday, good to me.

I will  be sad to see 2014 end

     Of course, I am never happy when a year flips.  Too many things left undone, half finished, semi planned.
     I did clean off my desk top today.  It looks pretty clean, right now.  I don't know what to do with the four piles on the floor.
     I need help!  What do I save, and what do I toss?
     For example, I have on my closet bookshelf these binders:  Terry IRA,  Jackie IRA,  Julia IRA, Jackie and Terry IRA, Terry drugs, Terry Medicare, Jackie Medicare, Terry medical, insurance, Terry LPL, Jackie LPL...and those are only the ones I remember!  Thank heavens I didn't throw out any binders from all those workshops I went to as a teacher!
     I get monthly statements from my insurance about the drugs I am taking and a running cost.  Do I really need to keep each one of those?  How long do I keep them?
     I get statements from our IRA accounts.  Some are every month, some are quarterly.  How long do I need to keep those?
     Every time I get ready to toss something, I have a trace of fear that spreads across my head:  Don't throw those away!  You may need them someday!!
     That's why we still have the "do not remove tags" on our sofa and chairs.  We made need them some day!
     And I have at least five notebooks for Rotary...each of them with a few poorly scrawled notes for a newsletter I stopped doing three weeks ago!  And no, I was not supposed to stop!!
     That's only my closet.  Jackie has a place for monthly credit card receipts.....and we have a ton of credit cards.  Add in the gas bill, utility bill, phone bill, car payments....yikes!  That is a lot of paper to save.
     Don't suggest doing it all electronically...because we will print off a copy just to have it.  It's not saving me any money!
     For people like me, paper is a the first half of the Packer Bear game when the Packers had a narrow 42-0 lead.
     Someday, I'll figure out a way to deal with it.
     Just not this year.

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