Thursday, December 4, 2014

when you're alone and life is making you lonely,

I love going downtown

     There is something about downtown Chicago that is hard to describe.
     Could it be the constant screaming of sirens?
     Or the seemingly rambling, nonsensical shouts of the possibly crazed guy predicting the end of the world unless we repent and stop drinking diet cola.
     Or Chewbaca in front of Field's, shilling for the Salvation Army.  (It will always be Field's.)  When he did his yowl, I though someone unleashed the lions from the Art Institute.
     I made the trek back in time today.  Visited the big tree at Field's.  Looked at the windows.  Went to the Christmas market at Daley Plaza, had a schnitzel sandwich and a cup of hot mulled wine.
And try saying schnitzel sandwich and not break into a laugh.
     I did get really cold.  It was not the sunny, warm 40s I expected.  So I stopped at a Starbucks for a warm beverage.  At the busier Starbucks, they ask your name and write it on the cup.  The pretty young thing asked me for my name, I hemmed and hawed, and said "Ted."
     She looked at me and repeated, "Ted?  Well, today you are Teddy.  In keeping with the season, you are Teddy Bear."
     I was waiting in line and the other pretty young thing started saying,  'Ted?  Ted?  Do you want whip cream on top?  Ted?"
     I forgot who I was!
     Then she said, "Teddy Bear, do you want some whip cream?"  I told her yes, because I realized I was Teddy Bear.
     Back in Rochelle, we saw Dan and Linda at Culver's and I forgot to tell him this little story.  Bear with me.
  When Dan and I were in France, our train was delayed because la femme morte in the car ahead of us.  When I got up and got out of the car to look, I saw la femme's feet sticking out of the car door, and I realized what had happened.
     The French are real reluctant to let a train move with a fresh body on board, so we sat, waited, and missed our connection.
     Today, the train stopped in Glen Ellyn and did not move.  It sat.  And sat.  And sat.
Soon, a police car appeared.  And a second.  And a third.  Then an ambulance.
     Luckily, the gent was awake and talking when they took him off the train, and the delay was only 20 minutes and I did not miss a connection.
     It was a good day for him, and for me.
     But enough words.  Pictures.

It's Field's, damn it!

I love the windows

Looking down to the first floor at Field's

Walnut Room tree

Daley Plaza tree

Spiced wine is warm and hearty.  I can't smile doing a selfie!

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