Thursday, December 18, 2014

On the first day of Christmas....

I am a terrible Christmas shopper

     I always wait until the last minute, and then what I want doesn't come in the correct color, size or whatever.
     Why do I wait?  Because I am a procrastinator.  I can't buy presents in October, or November because I am not in the Christmas spirit.
     Sometimes I just wander a store, looking, looking, looking.....then leave empty handed.
      That's why people in my family get, let's say unusual, presents.  Or presents they had no idea they wanted, until they got them.
     Like the dusting socks.  They were seen on TV, and at a local store.  You wear them as slippers and slide your feet along the floor, dusting as you walk.  They were very dangerous.  The commercials on TV did not show people falling to the ground as they dusted.
     I thought my daughters would like Poi Dog Pondering.  So one year they each got a Poi Dog CD.  I enjoy listening to the music, which got left at our house and not accidentally.
    And I bet I am the only one in the history of gift giving to give a giant rutabaga.....ok, it wasn't for Christmas, but for a birthday celebration when I was in high school.  To say the girl was surprised is a major understatement.
     Every year I say I am going to do better.  I pay attention.  I make mental notes.  I forget the mental notes and look feverishly for a gift that does not exist.
     Usually, I get lucky and find something that the person likes.  (Person mainly being wife and kids at this point in life.  And she buys for the kids.)
     I do find  practical gifts.  I have given my daughters tools, fire extinguishers, and other items that are needed around the house.  Jackie has gotten jewelry and clothing that she liked.
But right now I need inspiration.
And time.

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