Monday, December 15, 2014


Why do I keep doing this?

     I used to love watching the Bears.  Now, it's torture!  I can bearly stand it anymore!
     Yet, there I sit, watching another futile effort by a bunch of overpaid and under performing people.
     Well, it's time I declare my independence!
     When in the course of human events, it becomes unbearable to watch your favorite team, every fan deserves the right to do something else.
     Therefore, when the Bears get down by three scores, I will do something else!
     So I decided to print my Christmas letters.  OK, I know it's getting late.  And yes, some of them are upside down.  But hey, I had three glasses of wine and a lousy game!  Suck it up!  Flip the page around!
     Not only that, but I have decided I have had enough of a messy desk.  Starting tomorrow, I will clean this puppy off so that it looks presentable.  And in the process, if I happen to find a certain person's Christmas list, then that is icing on the cookie!
     Other things I think I will declare independence from....and I have quite a few.
     Salad!  No more shall I eat those healthy, wholesome greens.  From now on it's egg nog, sugar cookies, greasy fries and greasier burgers and brats.
     Playing endless hours of spider solitaire.  From now on, I will limit myself to 20 minutes a day.  Take that, you evil spiders of procrastination!
     Saving stuff!  I will get rid of things I no longer need.  Like the console humidifier sitting in the garage......seriously, it's in good condition.  I will sell it for $30 or best offer.  Call me.
     Texting!  I can't hit those little keys with my big stubby fingers to start with.  And I usually leave my phone in the car.  Or by the bed.  Or on vibrate.  It may be days before I read a text someone has sent me.  If it's an emergency, you could do better sending smoke signals.
     Staying up late.  I have been going to bed just about the time BBC comes on WNIJ.  I need my beauty rest.  Half the time I am up at 4 a.m. anyway, so I need to get to bed earlier.
     There.  I feel better.  Liberated.  Or slightly buzzed, not sure.
     But it's 10:30 and I feel a need for solitaire, so I have to go.

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