Sunday, December 7, 2014

A foggy day, in London town

I seemed to work in a fog today

     Every time I go to the zoo, I park in the same row...row 1.  Nearest the outside fence.  Always.
     So explain why I was wandering aimlessly down the third row looking for my car?
     And why did one of the keepers have my keys?  Could it be because I left them in a lock on one of the cages?
       Of course.  I had a little guinea pig named Kit Kat out.  The conversation went something like this.
     Little kid:  "What's the guinea pig's name?"
     Seriously disturbed old guy:  "Tic Tac."
     Female volunteer.  "You mean Kit Kat."
     SDOG:  "Oh yes, I do mean Tic Tac.
     Little kid:  "Kit Kat?  Or Tic Tac?"
     Female volunteer.  "Kit Kat."
     SDOG:  "Aw, gimme a break!"
     So I alternated between calling her Tic Tac and Kit Kat, with the majority of references being to Kit Kat.  Then I took out Skittles, and proceeded to call her Kit Kat.
     I don't think the animals know their names.  Evidently I don't either.
     And I may have driven all the way to Oakbrook without wearing my seat belt.  Either that or I took it off and don't remember doing so.
     Days like this always make me wonder what else I missed.  Maybe some day I will know what I didn't know I didn't know.
     Or something like that.

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