Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I get by with a little help from my friends

No man is a failure if he has friends

     Thank you Clarence Goodbody.  He's the angel who is trying to get his wings in the classic "It's a Wonderful Life."
     John and Dan are coming over tomorrow to attack my unfinished ceiling.  The firring strips are here, the tin tile is here ... but I can't seem to physically do the task.
     Mentally, either, it appears.
     My plan was to put insulation between the joists to cut down on noise.  So I bought a roll of R 13 about two months ago.  Last week I figured one roll was not enough, so I bought a roll of R 30 for some reason.
     R 30 is about a foot thick!  No way can it go between the joists, which are 2 x 4s.  I tried splitting it in half, but that didn't work.  Like putting a ball of cotton in two piles....easy in concept, difficult in practice.
     So I opened the R-13 bag to finish the job.  One bag contains 32 feet of insulation. The area I am insulating is 6 feet by 30 feet....or about three bags more than I have.
     Common sense and basic math should have been employed here, but it wasn't.
     Especially the common sense.
     I also bought some Styrofoam insulation to slip in above the joists.  I planned to buy 6 panels, but instead opted for three....which was what I really needed.  Jackie helped me shove the suckers in place.
     I think I am up to about $9,730 for insulation at this point.  That's just a rough estimate.
     I just hope all goes well tomorrow.  I have bought drill bits, screws, wood.....everything should be here and ready to go.
     Of course, the more sane people ask me questions like:  Are you going to put up some trim?  What are you going to do with the front side? Have you thought about the cold air return?  The answer to all these questions is: No!  I am flying by the seat of my pants here!
     Well, tomorrow is the test.
     I'll keep you posted.

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