Sunday, December 28, 2014

Who let the dogs out????

Jackie is getting a dog this year

     It was a Christmas present.  For many years she said no.  Then earlier this year, she said she would like a furry companion.
    But we can't get one yet.  We need the patio finished and an invisible fence installed.  That way, she can let the little guy out the patio door and he/she can go down the steps and  do her business.
     It may be handy in that she can slip the collar on my neck and keep track of me during the day.  I wont be able to wander off when I should be mowing the yard.
     We will be getting a smaller dog, but not a Chihuahua or some other itty bitty that could be carried off easily by a hawk.
     It has been years since we had a dog.  We get our dog fix from Emily, who has enough for everyone.
     This dog will be a rescue animal.  Hopefully, that will make training it a little easier.
     We can add dog treats to our list of must buy items when we go to the store.  And dog food.
     Hopefully Julia will be ok with it when she comes home next year, she does have allergies to cats and long haired dogs.  Normally she is fine at Emily's because the dogs are all short hairs.  But we shall see.
     So to recap, a trained dog that doesn't have long hair, doesn't shed, won't bite and is comfortable with older people.
     Should be a snap to find!

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