Sunday, December 21, 2014

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

I listen, I just don't understand

     I always get a little leery about presents.
     First off, I try to buy the right one.
     When I was about 12, I wandered down to a Wieboldt's department store in Chicago and bought my mother a hair dryer.  It was a hand held unit, but you could also put it on a wooden stand.
    Since my mother didn't have a hair dryer, I knew she would love it.
    I remember her face Christmas morning, the surprise of finding a hair dryer from her son.  She had very thin hair.  I remember her using it, but I don't think she used it regularly.  I think she avoided hair dryers for a reason.
    My dad was easy to buy for.  He smoked Marlboro's, drank Budweiser and ate walnuts.   I could not buy beer, but I could be cigarettes and walnuts.  So for several years in a row I gave him a carton of cigarettes and a pound of walnuts.
     He was happy, I was happy.  Or so I thought.
     After he died, (pick a disease:  bad heart; emphysema; stomach cancer..any one of them would win) Jackie and I helped my mother clean out the house.  Imagine my surprise when I opened a storage cabinet on the back porch and 50 pounds of walnuts tumbled out!
     Back in the broke years,  Jackie had seen an ad for some Christmas plates.  For our anniversary, I went up to Rockford and saw what I thought were the plates.  I bought a set;  they were something like $70 or so....a lot of money for us, but a lot less than what she had seen the set advertised for.  The clerk asked me if I wanted a second set.  I told her we would never have that many people over at one time.
     I got home and could not contain my excitement.  I gave them to her, right in the bag.
     She looked at them and asked me what I was thinking.
     I had bought a single place serving of Spode.  To get our set of eight, I would have to fork out another $490!
     That's when I found out there is a difference between a setting for four and a four piece setting.
     I returned the dishes and got a refund.
     Hopefully, this year I will make better choices.
     Just in case, I will save the receipts.

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