Thursday, January 1, 2015

What have I done?

I seem to have created a monster

     About 10 p.m, I had this strange feeling.  I can't explain it.  Something was missing from my day....something was putting me a little off.
     I tried solitaire.  I tried Facebook.  I checked e-mail.  Nothing.
     Then it hit me:  I missed my blog!
     I missed writing about something mundane and trivial.
     So here I am.
     I hope your new years was fun.  We celebrated at Bart and Laurie's and we played some games.  I think it was "Catch Phrases," but it could have  been something else.
     Anyway, I had to get people to say Netherlands.  So I said, Peter Pan lives here.  And my team mates quickly said Neverland.  Which would have been correct.  Then I reread my phrase.  I added Holland, and an astute player shouted Netherlands.
     Now we were all about the same age.
     Do you know what it is like to play games when half of you can't hear, half of you can't read, and only one or two people can do both adequately?
     It's hard.  But it is also a lot of fun.
     I hope your day was as fun as an Oregon Duck's!!

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