Saturday, December 20, 2014

I'm dreaming, of a white christmas

I really would like some snow

     Not a lot, just enough to put a blanket of white on the ground so we can see Santa's tracks outside.
     Last year at this time, we had plenty of snow. I got so excited, I got my snowshoes fixed so I could go out in the park and tromp around.
     I even thought about getting my cross country skis ready to use ....if I can find them.  I think they are in a corner in Emily's basement.  But I don't have any shoes for them, so that won't help.
     It's one of hundreds of items I no longer use, but can't part with. A desk, old kitchen nook table, name it, I may have it in the basement.
       I'm not a hoarder, just a sentimentalist.
     By the way,  zjrtr] ejsy js[[rmd ejrm upi hry upit gomhrtd pm yjr etpmh lrud/
     That is here is what happens when you get your fingers on the wrong keys.  I am typing in the dark and have erased more lines than I have typed.
    Put on a light, you say?
     Anyone can do that.  The challenge is typing in the dark.
     Julia has friends visiting this weekend.  He is from Ireland, she is from New Zealand, their son was born in Switzerland and their daughter in the US.
     Julia hasn't seen them in a couple of years, so it has been a nice visit for them.
     I have forgotten how much energy these youngins have!
     I'm going to bed and rest up for tomorrow.
     Nightie night!

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