Friday, December 26, 2014

yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away

I  had a great Christmas

     John asked Emily to marry him, and gave her a ring.  We are very happy for both of them.  No date has been set, but rumor is the wedding has to involve Elvis and Las Vegas.  Kids.
Jackie has wanted a puppy, so we are giving her a puppy.  Or dog.  But she has to wait for the patio to be finished so she can let the little guy out the back door and into the yard.  Oh yes, we will put in an invisible fence for  part of the yard so he can't wander.  Or wonder what is on the other side of the road. Or she, and I am referring to the dog, not the wife.
     I got a telescope.  Now I can watch the people in the park to see if they are really using the bathrooms when they park there!  Just kidding.  I have always wanted to look at the stars and planets and the moon.  I remember Mr. Z inviting Tilton fifth graders out to Skare Park so his advanced science kids could use telescopes to show them stars and explain constellations.  It was an amazing experience.  Emily said I will probably even be able to see the space station as it passes.  Or the new blond neighbor that lives about a mile away.......just kidding!!
     My Swiss pseudo grand family sent me a picture in a hand decorated frame.  Lilly, Penny Jane, Craig and Yvonne really surprised me on that one!
     I found out I really know people's tastes.  I got Emily, John and Julia books at Barnes and Noble....and they already had the books!  I was so confident, I did not ask for gift receipts....but luckily I kept the receipt.
     I keep everything.  I have three bags of wrapping paper in the garage with the gnawing question:  Can it be recycled?
     Guess I will call the county Monday.  The FAQ section on their website says yes.....but I want to be sure.
     I have another decision to make.  In one week, my blog is unofficially done.  By the time it is Jan. 1, I will have passed the 16,000 pages viewed mark, more than I ever expected. I continue?  Daily?  Do I try to sell advertising space, or will that tick people off?  Should I try to get the blog published as a book?  (To be honest, it will be difficult to do that.  I would probably have to self publish it and then promote it.  I contacted a publisher and her words were:  Is the blog necessary?  If it is, someone will be interested in publishing, I just have to find that person.  If it's not, you'd be better off self publishing.  She also gave me a name of a company that does that.
     Tough decisions for a new year.
      But one decision will be easy.....I have to lose weight!!

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