Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Whoops, there it is......

I have a sort term memory problem, evidently

     I had a really great time with Linda and Dan and NY City friend Julie today.
     We shared a glass or two of wine, agreed that a certain political party was full of yahoos, talked about the Cubs, Bears, life in New York City and a whole host of other things.
     During the conversation, I told a story.  It was short, funny, totally true and Linda said, "That would be a good one for your blog," or something to that effect.
     Totally true.
     So driving from Creston to Rochelle, I thought about how to word it, present it, how much to exaggerate, and when I sat down after my games of solitaire, had no idea what the really Great Idea from 4 p.m. was.
     Racked my brain, but it was blank.
     I did set up my new telescope tonight.  Went over the parts list and everything listed was there.
     Put it together, which consisted of mounting the scope onto the tripod, then tried to look through it.
     John, Emily and Julia came in and we went over it.
     "Did you find all the parts?"  said John.
     Yes, this is all of them.
     "Aren't there more parts?" asked Emily.
     No, I went through the list.
      "Are you sure you have all the pieces?" came Julia's question.
     Quite certain.
     We tried looking at the moon, the bathrooms at the park, the attractive young blond across Flagg Road.....nothing.
     I gave up.  A little while later I tried again.  I could see the moon, but it would not come in focus.
     Came back in the house and noticed some cardboard taped to the end of the box.  I assumed it was there to prevent the scope from sliding.
     Inside were the viewing lenses.  And the sighting scope.  And a couple of other necessary parts.
     By then I had hauled it in from the unfinished patio to the basement.  Tomorrow I will try it in the daytime, using the spotting scope and the viewing lenses.
     That's when I sat down to do my blog......and, you know the rest of that story.

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