Monday, December 8, 2014

Kodachrome....they gave us those nice bright colors

I may be an idiot

     Technology baffles me.  I have a hybrid car with buttons that do things that I have no idea about.  I have a digital camera that has 40,000 scenes settings.  I am sure my computer is capable of more than spider solitaire, Facebook, my blog, and Snopes.
     No matter how many times I try, I can't watch a movie upstairs without Jackie turning on the DVD player.
     But sometimes a technology comes along that is slick, idiot proof, an perfect.
     This is a short blog, because I want you to see some of the wonderful pictures I took at the Madrigal dinner last Saturday.
     I won't blush at your compliments.
Ross's daughter did a great job as friar

the jokers had great outfits

That might be my thumb

My date for the night

She had a great sweater

Like I said, I may be an idiot.

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