Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Working under no pressure

My damn pressure washer won't work

     I bought a pressure washer last year.  My thoughts are it would be great to clean Emily's deck, my house, the driveway, the mower, wash the car....a whole variety of things for which I could use it.
     I bought it on line...sometime last year.  I don't know how much I paid.  I don't have a receipt.  I used it three times last year, putting it away in September.
     This year I brought it out, fired it up, nothing.  If it was a man, I would say it needs Viagra.  But it's a pressure washer, so the big V is out.
     I contacted the company and they have sent me a list of instructions for cleaning the inside in case it is filled with sediment.  For someone who is certifiably ADD, the four steps of detailed instructions are all jumbled in my mind because I read one, then four, then the details on two and three.
     The one exciting part, there is a nipple adapter I have to play with.  Seriously.  "Pour the vinegar into the garden hose inlet side of pump after removing the nipple adapter."
     I have no idea what the hell a nipple adapter is!  And yes, it sounds dirty!!
     If I google it, does it show up on a NSA website for googling female body parts?  That would not be good.
     But the whole clean out process hinges on the idea that I have to run the pump.  And the pump does not run.
     I bought it on line through Walmart.....but I don't expect them to be very helpful.  I don't have the box either.
     What I do have is another piece of stuff that doesn't work, either because I messed it up last year or it was just a cheapo one to begin with.
     In any case, I am frustrated, as usual.  It would have been nice if I kept the receipt, the manual, the guarantee card, some proof of its existence.
     If I did keep any of that, I put it someplace where I would not lose it, which means it's lost.
     On the upside, I went to work on the garden at church and they still had the sunglasses I left there two weeks ago.
     Once again, I am up to four pair.  Wonder how long that will last.


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