Thursday, July 17, 2014

mysteries of life.....

I just can't explain some things

     Ever have those moments......moments when things happen that just don't make sense?  I seem to be having a run of them.
     Ever hear of orant agen?  My line in the play is "talk about this  agent orange stuff."  Lately, I have been saying orant agen.  I can't explain why....just seems strange.
      When I drive to church in DeKalb, I have an either or situation.  If I am running late, I hit every red light in Rochelle and DeKalb.  But if I leave early, I don't hit any!  It's almost a 10 minute difference.  And there are times when I leave with exactly the amount of time I need to get there, and never see a green light.
     Why does someone keep eating my sourdough pretzel balls?  They don't like the taste of sourdough....
       Why was there a pink I phone in my car?  I swear, the car was parked in the garage, I went out to it and, voila!  A pink I phone.  No phone numbers that make sense, just a lot of words.  And there are a lot of them.  Understand, the car was in my garage!  I drove to Emily's to let out the dogs.  At 5 I went to go to Rock Falls and .... there is a pink I phone.
      Why do I have pockets full of change, except when I go into a store and the bill is $2.06?  Of course, I have $3....and I get a pocket full of change.  I stack it on the counter but never put it back in my pockets.
      Why do I find objects around the house that have no apparent use, only to throw them out and find out I need it for something!  I mean, I hardly throw anything away, but this week I threw a little ring goes on a cup!  I think that's why I don't throw stuff away....the fear that I will need it.
     Why do fruit flies seem to buzz my head when I am not near the fruit?  (And no, Beth, my head is not a fruit!)
     Why don't I ask prices?  Stopped at a bakery in Chicago Wednesday and saw these cute frosted lady bug cookies.  So I bought one for Jackie and one for me.  They were $3.79 each. It would have helped to have that price posted.  And I didn't have any change.
     Like the recently discovered giant hole in Siberia, there are some things in my life that just can't be explained.


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