Wednesday, July 16, 2014

lead me not into temptation

I think I have some addictions

     I CAN'T pass them up.  I try.  But they somehow mysteriously work their way into my life.   I can remove them from sight....but eventually I will find a way.
     Dark chocolate. ... Especially a bar called Cremant made by Caillier, a Nestle company, in Switzerland.  When I open one, I only mean to eat one piece but presto!  It's gone, like my youth.
     Cherries....  I prefer Wisconsin sweet cherries.  If you spell cherries wrong, it becomes cheeries, which is what I am when I eat  them.  I bought two pounds Tuesday afternoon....they are almost gone, like my once amazing hair.
     Red wine..... I have been on a Classico Chianti kick, but pinot noir is also a favorite.  I also like a good Shiraz, (who doesn't) or even a Merlot.  (works magic, that Merlot)  If I open one bottle, it takes me a couple of days but it will be gone, like a Popsicle on a 100 degree day.
 If I sit down with a bag of cherries, a Cremant bar, and a red might as well not even try to talk to me.  I will be busy.  Quite busy.
     White chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies..... The Beacon on the Green has them for Rotary lunch.  I have one when I come in.  Then one with a coffee.  Then one after lunch.  Last week, there were two left but I exercised what little will power I have, or they would have been gone, like the Ford Edsel.
     Potato chips.....  Mrs. Fishers especially.  I can actually hear them calling me when I go into a store.  If I buy a small bag, it lasts about a day.  I have a couple in the a.m,. a couple at lunch, a couple in the afternoon, then a couple at night and bingo, bango, bongo....empty bag.  They end up gone, like a politician caught not hiking the Appalachian Trail.
     Bread sticks......  These are not ordinary bread sticks.  These are hand made in France.  They are crisp, buttery, with a hint of salt.  Emily bought me two bags and every time I pass through the kitchen, a stick or two disappears.  I love them!  They are also expensive, so I am honored that I got some.  But I know they will be gone soon,  just like my bank account after the patio project.
     It's funny in a way.  I can give up fries and be fine.  I can give up pop and be fine.  I can control myself on most other food.....but those six ...  I have to eat them, and eat  them, and eat them, until they are gone, just like my waistline.
     And by the way.....this blog is over the 8,000 mark in page views.  And people are still reading..... for that I thank you.  And now, I'll be gone, like, to bed.

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