Monday, July 7, 2014

for every season, tune, tune tune

I just don't get the right words, sometimes

    Lines are hard for me to memorize.  I admit it.  I work on them, but they don't come easily.  Never have.
     I am currently working on lines for an upcoming show.  I have a line that goes:  You  be sure to tune in.  Simple.  I have been saying turn in!  Instead of listening to the radio, I am telling people to go to sleep!  Unbelievable!!
     What's worse, I don't even know I am saying it wrong.  My new Terry looks at me and says, turn in?  I don't know what he is talking about, because I said tune in.  Wrongo, lizard breath!
      We were Skyping my Swiss nephew today and he was telling us about his family's schedule.  He has German classes Wednesday night.  Megan has German classes Monday night.  Boys have soccer Tuesday and Thursday.  Jackie says, "At least you don't have anything Wednesday night."  Michael said, "German classes." Jackie said, "On the weekend too?" She honestly thought she said weekend but Michael and I heard Wednesday, loud and clear.
     Our minds are funny things, ain't they?  They think what you want them to, even if you don't mean it.
     So tune becomes turn and it seems right.
     Sort of like those mind games where there is a number, say three,  written in green with the word yellow underneath it.  You are asked what color is three and you respond yellow, even though it is actually green.  Which main explain why so many people run red lights....they think yellow is green.
     One time in DeKalb I was in a left turn lane, with a left turn only on the green arrow.  I stopped, looked at the red arrow, saw the lane next to me get a green to go straight, and I turned left on the red.  In my mind it was a green arrow.  Jackie asked me if I always turn on reds, and I did not even realize I did it.
     I know I am not the only one to do this.  We say the wrong name but hear the right name.  We give the wrong date but think it's the right date.
      The mind is a terrible thing to waste, and I think mine has been wasted enough.


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