Sunday, July 6, 2014

Who are these creatures?

I am living with three strangers

     They are not people, but they are strange.
      I am the dog sitter for someone's three Great Danes while she is in Switzerland.  I live with them, and it is a strain.
      One of them has terrible gas.  I am not sure which one, but I have my suspicions.  In a way, they are like people....cut one and pretend nothing happened.  That terrible smell??  Don't look at me.  I am innocent.
      And they have a terrible sense of timing.  I want to go to bed, they want to play.  I want to sit on the deck, they want to come inside.  I want to sit inside, they want to go on the deck.
      And poor Bennett can't play because he has something wrong with a knee.  I heard OCD, but he seems as focused as a dog can be.  He has been very good about going out into the little yard while Cooper and Gwen go play in the big yard.
      Dietary habits are puzzling.  I don't know what Bennett was eating, but it was really wet and fabric like.  It might have been a dryer sheet.  All I know is, I looked over at him and he had a beard.
      Gwen eats anything she can.  Look away and she sneaks into one of the crates and munches in there until she hears me coming.
     I discovered tonight the surround sound on the TV is great until a doorbell rings.  That sets all three of them running around, barking at each door.  The damn show I was watching had a doorbell going off every 5 minutes....I missed half the dialogue.
     Throw in the bizarro cat, and you can tell I am losing my mind!
     Earlier I had Gwen laying on my lap and the cat sitting on my lap, licking Gwen's ears!  Gwen weighs over 150 pounds, and it is not a pleasant experience when she lays on you.
     But they are good dogs.  They keep looking at the door.  I think they are waiting for Emily to come home.  
      Nine more days, my friends......until then, I keep a handy supply of dog treats in my pockets!

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