Friday, July 11, 2014

No, I am not in the market....

I love watching House Hunters

     There are so many facets to the show.  I laugh when people look at a house that is over a million, and they complain about the color of a room.  I guess rich people don't know about painting.
     And closets.  I have heard so many times, from a woman usually, that the closet doesn't have enough space for shoes.  One show last night had a woman with at least 100 pairs of shoes...all neatly lined up in her new closet, which used to be a bedroom.  How many shoes do you really need?
     And guys are obsessed with garage space.  Maybe they compensating for some other shortcoming in their life.
     But prices are amazing.  New York City?  in the millions. the hundreds of thousands for a bigger house on a lot.
     A couple will ask for three bedrooms and two baths for $235,000 and the agent shows them a house with two bedrooms, one bath for $300,000.  Sometimes the houses they show are not even close to what the people are looking for.
     And the realtor always has a way to turn a truly negative aspect into a positive one.  Busy street?  Makes for a easier commute.  Out dated bathroom?  An opportunity to buy a property for below your price range and have money for improvements, like a new bathroom.
     And people are in love with granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances.  The cabinets could be cardboard, but the granite makes the kitchen.
     The couples usually have very different tastes.  He wants modern, she wants quaint.  He wants country, she wants city.
     I find I always pick the house they don't want.....guess my tastes are very different than the rest of the world.
     I also wonder about the couples...sometimes they seem so unmatched, I don't know how they can live with each other.
     In the end, everyone seems happy with their choice.  Sometimes that is the biggest puzzle of the show.

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