Thursday, July 10, 2014

I love Paris in the springtime...

Heck, I love Paris, period.

     I was watching a House Hunters International tonight, and a woman from Australia was moving to Paris to start a new business.  She was looking for an apartment at $2,400 a month, or less.
     It was not easy.
     But when they were looking, I saw a restaurant where I had a late supper, I think with Dan. I immediately thought of what I liked about Paris.
     No, not the pick pockets the dog poop, the thieves......but I love the city.
     I can't explain why.  Maybe it's the architecture.  Or the food.  Or the desserts.  Or the parks.
     When I see a picture of the Eiffel Tower, or the Seine, or Notre Dame, I wish I was there.
      I always enjoy getting a sandwich and going to Luxembourg Gardens.  Often there is an art display on the gates, usually photographs.  They are always thought provoking.
     Jackie is not such a big fan.  She doesn't like the noise, the crowds, the fear of pick pockets, or the dog poop.
     And there is a lot of dog poop.  People don't clean up as well as they should.
     But it is a beautiful city, full of wonders and excitement.
     The woman ended up renting a place for $2,200.  Fourth floor, walk up, with a toilet room in the kitchen.....but a view of the tower and the city from her rooftop.
    I just wish I could see Paris again.

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