Friday, July 18, 2014

little of this, a little of that

Sometimes I don't have a blog topic

     I do try to talk about things people may not know about me.  My life is an open book, in some ways.   But there are a few chapters I don't think I can reveal for another ......4 years.
      But I did solve one mystery...the pink I phone.  I found it in my car yesterday.  My car was parked in the garage.
      I called Napleton Auto this morning, because I had an oil change yesterday.  I thought maybe one of their people lost it.  Sure enough, one of the kids that does the car washing lost an I phone.  They wipe off the dash, vacuum the carpet, clean the front window...and one of them lost their phone yesterday.
     But that creates another mystery:  I got in my car at Napleton's, did not see it.  Stopped at Woodman's, did not see it.  Drove to Emily's to let out the dogs, did not see it.  I had been in the car three times and did not see it.  The fourth time, there it was, big and bright as day.  My guess is it got wedged in the seat and I must have moved the seat, dislodging it.
     The kid who owned the phone gets up at 7.  We found that out when music started playing and the phone started flashing.  I hit the snooze.  It went off again at 7:15, 7:30, and then Jackie turned it off.
     I did have an eye appointment today.  Met a fellow Rochelle resident and teacher and proceeded to call her by the wrong name several times during our conversation.  Did the same thing yesterday when I called a guy named Kurt Bob, but he gently corrected me.  I don't know why I can't remember people's names.
     Which brings me to my final mystery:  Why does Ollie's taste so good?  Had banana cream today, and it was sooooo yummy!
      Maybe some things can't be answered.

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