Saturday, July 19, 2014

what in the hell

I think I have to clean my computer desk

    When I type, fruit flies surround my head.  Now that is confusing, because I am the only fruit around the desk.  Yet, there they are.
     Maybe it's the crumbs from the bread sticks.  My computer key board may need a cleaning also....I seem to be enjoying those Swiss bread sticks a little too much.  At least Jackie did not see the red wine stain in the least not yet.  She will be looking later today, I am sure.  Suffice it to say, when one is carrying bread sticks, cherries, chocolate, a crossword puzzle and a glass of wine, something is liable to be spilled.
     I can count at least three Time magazines on the desk, some financial reports, a couple of summer lunch schedules, notes with random numbers written on them....they could be cell phones, or combinations to a safe somewhere.....I am not sure.
     Two tape dispensers, flashlight, the scissors I have been looking for for a week and at least six pens or pencils.
     It's not that I am not neat.  Well, a little.  I just don't put stuff away.  I read about something and make a note....and that note stays by the computer.  I actually have one that says simply:  Osardew.  or osardeu.....I am not sure.  I wrote it, but can't seem to remember what the reminder was for.
     There are receipts from Walgreen.  For those of you who don't know, there are numbers on the receipts and you can log onto a website to do a brief survey about the service at your store.  Since I have a vested interest, I always fill out the survey.  Sometimes I even say, "The pharmacist treats us like family."  For $120,000 she should.
     And just a lot of paper, but nothing that would draw fruit flies.
     It would be easy for me to clean.  I can sit.  Since I am still sore from the bike crash, it would be a good activity to keep my mind off my inability to walk without a limp or breath deeply without a pain.  And it would keep me from watching the Cubs, a team that is killing me with their lousy hitting.  And pitching.  And fielding.  Bring up the kids!!!!!
    I guess I better get serious about cleaning .... but not until tomorrow.  Maybe by then I will have the will power to do it.  Until then, I will just keep swatting fruit flies.

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