Sunday, July 6, 2014

life unleashed

I think I just had a cross cultural experience

     My Comcast has been acting up ever since the June 30 storms.  Sometimes, in the middle of a conversation on the telephone, the other side can't hear me.  I can hear them, but they can't hear me.  The little box (modem?) that has all the lights showing tv, cable, and all flashes but then stops and goes orange and nothing works except the tv.
      It is intermittent.  Can go hours without a problem, then for 20 minutes the phone doesn't work, the Internet is down.....just frustrating.
     So I called Comcast.
     As you all know, many big companies have foreign call centers.  Comcast is one of them.
     A nice young lady named Sherry took my call.  But while I was talking to her, there was a lot of background noise.  A lot.  People yelling.  People cheering.  People singing.
     I said to her, "It's really hard to hear you because of the background noise."  I could have added that her accent was pretty strong, but that alone would not have been a problem.
     The cheering and yelling got progressively louder.  I had to ask.  "What is going on there?"
     She seemed embarrassed, yet proud.  Her team had won an award for high performance for the month and this was the awards ceremony.  They don't have a special area for this so they do it in the call center.
      She said she was sorry, but she was also proud that her team had outperformed all the other teams and were being honored "in this way."
      My mind flashed back to the movie 'Outsourced" where an American is sent to India to set up a call center.  In the movie, they do a lot of team building events involving cheering, rewards, yelling...all while others are taking calls.
     So this nice person in India reset my signal to solve my problems.  Another amazing feat....thousands of miles away yet they can send a signal and have my computer working, my phones working, my communication with the outside world working.
      Except it didn't.  And I have to call again.  I just hope they are done celebrating.

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