Monday, July 28, 2014

odds and ends

My cup is always half empty

     Most everyone knows that.  I have been lucky to travel a lot, but I still have lots of places I want to go.  Does that make me negative?  Well, yes.  I want to see Cooperstown, New York City, the Redwoods, Berlin, Yellowstone..... I want to see it all!
     For the first years of our lives, we scrimped and saved.....thinking in old age we would be able to travel.  Best laid plans often go astray!  We paid for college, we paid for cars, we paid for houses. Vacations were few and far between.
    So I tend to be the half full kind of guy.
    Following up on a previous blog, the Russians seemed to have lost control of the sex gecko space voyage, then regained it, then I lost interest.  I think the gecko sex tape is still a possibility.
    Deer have not been bothering my garden lately.  Thanks to all who have know who you are!
     Had a great supper last week with Renee and Wendy....spent a lot of time catching up.  It has been a while.  Had a great supper with Sheri tonight....seems most of my friends are females.....why is that?
     Pictures of my trip last fall seem to have disappeared.  Can't find them.  They are gone.  Wonder where they went?
     When putting up 1 x 2 firing strips, can I use a nail gun?  Or should I screw them up.  Literally, not figuratively.  I hope.  If I use a nail gun, what size nails?  Inquiring minds want to know.
     Got a call from Rep. Kinzinger's office tonight, inviting me to join a live town hall meeting.  Think it was a computer thing, don't remember.  Why me?  Because I voted Republican this year?  Because I have written his office several times?  It could be an interesting experience.
      As of tonight, 8,633 views have been made of this blog since I started on Jan. 1.  I am always amazed, and appreciative, when people tell me they read it.  Actually, that kind of puts me in a half full frame of mind!

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