Thursday, July 10, 2014

A disrupted routine...part two

Holy cow, am I out of sync!

     I always do my blog entry at night, usually around 11.  I like writing then,  My mind is clear, my day complete.
     Staying at Emily's has tossed my pattern into the air.
     First off, the dogs.  They are good dogs but they get up earlier than I do!  I like to sleep until 8 or so, they seem to be up about 6:30.  Which means I get about 6 hours of sleep instead of 8.
     And then the cat.
     Have you ever been sound asleep and then had someone breathing on your face?  At two of clock in the morning, the damn cat was millimeters from my face, just breathing.  It scared the living hell out of me!
     Jaz has done that two nights in a row.  He also has taken to sleeping near my face...when I roll over, I get a nose full of fur.
     Plus my side is still a little tender.  So I try not to roll too much.
     By the way, my thigh is a complete purple .... front and back.  That is a result of using a blood thinner and taking a tumble.
     Years ago I fell in Switzerland, tripping over some cobbles in a train station.  Have you ever lost your balance and started to tumble, only to make it worse?
     Imagine my tripping, then stumbling, then taking long steps and barrelling downhill in a parking lot, right at three German tourists.  I thought I was going to take them out, like 10 pins in a bowling alley.          Luckily for them, I hit the ground at their feet.
     I laughed about it until I got in Julia's car and noticed I now had a baseball sized gear shift on my right knee.
     We went to a local hospital.  Everyone spoke excellent English.  They gave me a dressing gown and I laid down on an exam table.
     An extremely beautiful young woman came in and announced she was the doctor's assistant and would be doing a preliminary check.
     When I lifted up my gown, she stared and said, "Wow!  That is the largest I have ever seen!"
     Without batting an eye I replied, "You are looking at my knee, right?"
     She did not laugh.
     The doctor was an ortho man.  He said I had a hematoma, common when people are on a blood thinner.  He said he could take what he described as an enormous needle and drain it, or I could rest it for a couple of days and it would be fine.  I opted for the rest.  In further explanation, he said draining it would provide relief, but would create a very high possibility of  infection.  He did not want to drain it for that reason.
     I wore a brace, the leg turned purple, and I was fine.
     Which had noting to do with my disruption in routine....but then, I often digress.
     That's what happens when you are sleep deprived.

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