Friday, July 25, 2014

the geckos are doing what???

I often get confused by real and fake news

     I am listening to the BBC on Northern Public Radio.
     Now, one may ask why, but I don't have an answer.  I just found time floating past and the BBC was on.   By the way, it is the 05 hour, Greenwich Mean Time.  ( I don't know why it's mean.  Should be Greenwich Nice Time.)
      Their first story dealt with the latest research going on in space involving fruit flies and geckos.  A camera has been set up to focus on the geckos to observe their sex life in space.
     Yes, I heard Gecko Porn!
     And I was wondering what that experiment will reveal.  Then I thought about geckos in general.  I did not know they had a penis.  And I just imagine that somehow they mate penisless and still produce eggs to carry on the species.  How do you know they are mating?  Do they have a smoke when finished?  Do they save 15 percent on their auto insurance.
      And since they are being filmed, should they have auto erotic insurance?
      The announcer may have said the number of geckos, I am a little tired and may not have heard the exact number....but I thought they said seven.  So evidently the lascivious little lizards like group sex.  (Notice the clever use of alliteration?)  But I could have been hearing a number bouncing around inside my head about the number of times I have given up on the Cubs this year.
      I suppose there will be a pay per view special on the gecko sex experiment.  Maybe even a spread in Penthouse.  (Is that still published?)
     Anyway, I know I am not the only one who gets confused.  Lots of people will  read an article from The Onion and re post it as an outrageous fact.....which it isn't because The Onion is satire and not real.
     I just hope the BBC does not have a version of The Onion....because I would believe it.
    Now, I think it's time for bed.  To sleep, perchance to dream.  Hopefully, not about geckos having sex.

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