Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I pledge allegiance to the un-united states...

I like the California plan being floated around

     The plan proposes splitting California into six smaller states.  Each state would be an area with commonalities which can be dealt with on a regional basis, not on a one size fits all basis.
I say, why stop at California?
    Maybe Illinois should be broken up.  Chicago and Cook County, which has the majority of people, and I am guessing produces the majority of state tax monies, would be one state.  Northern Illinois would be another...ditto for the southern and central areas.
     There could be unique names, like Madigastan.  (No that is not original.....used in the Tribune several times.)  Or Not Quite Wisconsin.  Or Flatland for the central part.  Egypt could be the name of the southern part to reflect it's nickname of Little Egypt.
     Look at Michigan.  Two parts....if a group of loonies takes over the bridge, people from the LP would not be able to get to the UP to get their pasties.
     (Digression.  My first trip to the UP, I saw the signs.  But I did not read them correctly.  I thought there must be a large strip club business because so many places were selling pasties.  This was pre Internet days, when you actually had to ask someone why so many strippers lived in the area.  I eventually discovered they are a delicious Cornish miner meal brought over to the new homeland....probably by undocumented and illegal immigrants, but hey....once we welcomed people.  Anyway, pasties often have a meat, like turkey or beef; rutabagas, potatoes, other root crops, spices but no sauce.  They are like a dry pot pie, but with a thicker, flakier shell.  When our theater group did Escanaba in da Moonlight, I bought a bunch and served them to the cast at a rehearsal.  Pasties tend to produce an amazing amount of farts......it was a smelly night.)
     So why shouldn't Michigan be two states?  Or three??
     Then again, why stop there.
     The original country was only 13 states.  The ones in the north had more in common with each other than with the ones in the south.  Yet they united to become one country, which hasn't always worked very well.
     One president....13 states....small area....small population.  Look at us now!  50 states (I am not counting the states of frustration, hopelessness and idiocy that make up Washington) with 350 million people and a heck of a lot of space.  And still one president.
    Creating four smaller countries, with each area having commonalities, would make life easier.  If you didn't like a certain state you could move.
     Each region would be headed by a vice president and a senate.  That group would pass laws, taxes, everything the federal government does.  Each area would be assessed on a per person basis to form an income level to maintain a military force that would protect all the regions.
     It would be like the break up of the USSR and the sudden formation of countries we still can't recognize, locate or spell.
     Anyway, now I have the urge to go to the UP and get a pastie.  Or, maybe even a pastie!

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