Monday, July 14, 2014

what's that word that means a collection?

I just have a lot of complaints today

     First one:  I take a drug called niaspan.  This has a tendency to give me hot flashes.  Twice in the past week it has caused stinging sensations in my arms, chest and face.   It feels like I am being consumed by fire ants!  Of course, I have never encountered a fire ant....
     Second:  I missed summer.  Must have pulled a Rip Van Winkle.
     Third:  Once I start watching WW II shows on the History Channel, I can't stop.  I did not realize how important the new science of radar was to the English in the Battle of Britain.
      Fourth:  We don't understand the levels of destruction throughout Europe during WW II.  I don't think our society realizes how many died in the bombing raids, the landings, the defense of the cities....
      Fifth:  When my father came to the US as a child, his mother brought him here for a better life.  His mother could not speak English, neither could his dad.  Thousands of Irish, Polish, German, English, Italians and others from Europe came here for the same reasons over the years.  I don't understand how we are turning our backs on these kids from throughout South America who are coming for the same reasons.
     Six:  Hummers.
     Seventh:  Not being able to watch Chicago stations....still a complaint.  What ever happened to the free enterprise, free choice, freedom of speech people keep yapping about?
     Eighth:  I will never understand how religions can hate.
     Ninth:  I will never understand how the leader of any movement, army, country, military force or whatever can condone the killing of children, women, men and all the other innocents that die because of some one's megalomania.  
    Tenth:  Why can't people put their shopping carts in the cart areas?
     Eleventh:  Why can't people use cloth bags instead of plastic ones?  My lord, it's not difficult.
     Final:   Why do I get so grouchy when I am not tired?

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