Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Does everyone do that?

I don't think I do a lot of normal stuff

    I don't mean like washing under my arms and around the back of my neck....but normal stuff millions of Americans do.
     I don't watch news on tv unless I can get a Chicago station like WGN.  That means I don't watch Fox, CNBC, CNN or any of the other capital letter abbreviations.  I don't like the way they do the news.
     I don't watch Jon Stewart, even though I think he is pretty funny.  Same with Fallon.  I watched the first two weeks, then stopped.
     I can't explain why.
     I don't go to movies.  Yes, there are shows I would love to see.  I just don't go.
     I always get into conversations with people who start with, "Did you see that special CNBC did on vampire ants?"  And I have to admit I did not.  I can not lie, because I don't know anything about blood sucking ants, except we elect them to office and can't seem to get them out.
     I don't go to plays.  Once in a while we splurge and go into Chicago for a big production show, but there are hundreds of playhouses in the northern Illinois area and I just don't go.  I am in theater productions, but I don't venture out of my comfort zone to see what else people are doing in theater.
     I recently started going to Jimmy Buffet concerts, but I wouldn't even have gone if Carrie hadn't told me it would be fun, plus they needed someone with a van to drive.  I am going to my fourth Buffet show this August.  And I did go to see Chuck Berry.  But that's it.  I don't even make it to the band concerts in Rochelle and they are free.
     I don't think I am normal.
     I have the last Downton Abbey episode taped, but it ran in April and I still have not watched it.  And I love that show.
     Sometimes I can't figure out me.  I ride my bike, but not a lot.  I clean, I read, I practice lines....but somewhere there is a part of me that must just lose a half day here, and a half day there.
      Funny, in a way.  Every day I get older.  Like a pound of butter, I do have an expiration date.  I really should be using the time I have left in a better way.


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