Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How did that happen??

I did not post an entry yesterday, breaking the string

     In my defense, I couldn't.
     I usually do my blog entry at about 11 p.m.  I don't know why.  I think I have time to mull, ponder, consider, think, then decide on something goofy to write about.
     Last night didn't work that way.
     First, we are dog sitting.  Emily has a greyhound that is being adopted.  They will have to leash walk the dog, and since Emily has a fenced in yard, she does not often leash walk.  But Dad can.
    They also wanted to see how the dog behaved without other dogs around.  This one is going to a home without other animals, and Em wanted to be sure she would do ok.
     I didn't think about dogs going bathroom on a leash as opposed to off lease.  ViVi does not like going to the bathroom on a leash.  She also does not seem to like grass.
     So I took her out every two hours, walked around the yard, walked to the corner, walked back in front of the house.
     4 hours.  No go.  6 hours.  No go.  8 hours. No go
     As a male with a prostrate, I began to admire her holding tank.
     Throw in a storm.  Getting her outside between rain, only to stand in an open field with lightning filling the skies, causes one to ponder the age old question:  What the hell?
     10 hours.  Still nothing.  We have by now lost power due to the storm.  Emily brings over a crate for the dog, because Jackie and I are a little worried about having her (the dog) wander the bedroom when she hasn't used the bathroom.
      I am now taking her out hourly.....11 p.m.  nothing but lightning.  So we put her in the crate.  She begins to yowl.  I take her out.  Nothing. Crate. Yowl.  After three trips, I move to the den and sleep in the Lazy Boy because Jackie can sleep through the howling.
      At some point the power came on, lighting up all the parts of the house.  Turn off the tv, the lights, take out the dog, crate the dog, go to bed.
      Somewhere around 5:30 I found myself back in bed.  Not sure when I went there...maybe sleepwalked my way from the den.
      This dog has not gone to the bathroom since noon the day before.....17 hours!
      She was yowling, so I took her out and as we walked she suddenly stopped and went.  And went.  And went.  She got really frisky after that, jumping up and down like a rubber ball attached to a paddle.
      We went back inside, I put a bed out for her, and we all went back to sleep until about 7:30.
      Recapping:  I missed rehearsal due to the storms.  I missed sleep due to the storms.  I am awake early due to the dog.  I finally got the blog done, although my mind is blurry.
      Think I'll go roll the lawn again.

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