Sunday, July 20, 2014

I think I'm in the upper one percent

I seem to becoming self indulgent

     I have always believed that you pay for quality.  You can buy a cheap car that doesn't run well or last long, or you can spend a little more money and get a dependable car.
     That's how I roll.  (I don't think I actually ever have used that phrase.  Am I using it correctly?)
      Because of that, I am a little crazy.  Especially about food.
      I love peaches from Southern Illinois.  I have been to numerous fruit stands and everybody has Georgia peaches, or California peaches.  I love Illinois peaches....they are tasty, and so juicy you need a napkin to eat them.
     So today, when I stopped at the Sycamore market after church, I did a quick run through looking for Illinois peaches.  Last week, one of the vendors said the Illinois crop was damaged by the early spring, frost, heavy rain, cycle.  She said the crop was going to be 40 percent less than normal.
    At the third vendor I saw some peaches and asked where they were grown.
     "Southern Illinois, near Cobden.....and these are the best peaches you will ever eat."
     So I bought a little carton of five peaches.  Nice sized peaches, they are a little hard, but will ripen in a day or two.  I was literally blotting the juice from my mental mind when I asked how much.
     "$11.50" she replied.
      I almost choked on my imaginary juice.  But I bought them.  Damn it, I want my Illinois peaches!
      I was feeling bad at spending that much on peaches, so I stopped at Starbucks and got a caramel ribbon crunch...venti.  When did I become such a self indulgent spend it like you got it guy?
    But I was not done!  No siree.  I had a couple of steaks in the freezer.  T-bones.  Told Jackie we would grill those for supper tonight.  As I opened the packaged, I noticed the $27 price tag on the two steaks........way over my price range!  What was I thinking when I bought them?  They were huge, and we are having them for two meals.....but still.
      I grilled them after I finished sealing my new chaise lounge, which I wanted for the front porch so I can "read" in the afternoon on these hot summer days.
     That's when it hit me.  I think we are rich.  I spend money like I have it, from the coffees to the peaches to the $3.79 cookies.
     I can't justify it other than.... I want it.  I want it all!!
     I was born to be a big spender!  There, I admit it.  In print.  For all the world to see.
     And I have a feeling one person will have a special message for me when she reads this tomorrow...... but I'll probably be eating a peach and won't hear her.  The slurping noise will drown out the world and all the reminders that I am not a one percenter.

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