Wednesday, July 9, 2014

my disrupted routine

I easily get out of a routine..and it's hard

     Take Tuesday, for example.  Please.
     Jackie and I forgot to get Julia's contacts to send with Emily.  Julia saves a lot of money by buying them here instead of Switzerland.
     So I picked up the contacts and went to mail them.
     For some reason, parking in downtown Rochelle was tight.  So I parked down my Moore's and walked to the post office.
     Got an envelope, realized I had left Julia's address in the car.  Now, I know it by heart....but I was afraid I really didn't know it.....if you get what I mean.
     So I walked back to the car and got the address.
     Addressed everything, filled out a customs form, mailed it, and walked back to my car. Got there and realized my sunglasses were sitting on the post office counter.
     Made my third trip down the road.....I think people were wondering if I was protesting or just some old guy lost and looking for his way home.
     Found my sun the trash...don't ask....and went back to my car.
     After Rotary, I rode my bike...and you all know how  that ended.
     My hip is still swollen, and I am black and blue from the belt line down to the knee.   I know Beth   would love to see pictures, but I am too modest.
     So I was tired Tuesday night.  I know I have lines to learn, so I sat down and worked on those for an hour...and went to bed.
     I kept thinking there was something I should have done.....and this is it.
     Yes, I may be 10 hours late....but I do have an entry for July 8.  And I am happy to say the page views are approaching the 8,000 mark......which means a lot of you must be really bored to read about me!

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