Sunday, July 27, 2014

star light, star bright

I have trouble seeing images

     I once took a science class where we did some looking at constellations.  It was an outdoor ed class, but dealt with science.
     We would get sky charts, go out at night and look at the stars and constellations.
     Ursa Major.  Draco.  Cassiopeia.  Orion's Belt.  I would ooh and aah at the wonder of it all.
     Truth be told, I could not tell one from another!  It was a bunch of stars!!  Sure, I can pick out the Big Dipper....but sometimes I pick out the Little Dipper instead.  And any three stars together forms Orion's Belt in my mind.
     I don't see the image.
     Where's Waldo?  Who the hell knows, because I can never see him.  Little kids would pick up the book for the first time and announce, "I found him.  That was easy."  Then they would give me the book and for five or 10 minutes I would look but never find Waldo.  I would ask the kids and they picked him out right away.
     Bev Doolittle is an artist who we fell in love with back in the 1980s.  We bought several of her prints.  She does camouflage paintings dealing with Native Americans.  There are hundreds of images hiding in her paintings.  We have had one for at least 30 years and I can find about six.
     Two people who look the same?  Forget it, they are identical twins in my eyes.  I once had a strange conversation with a woman at church during a corn boil.  I kept going on and on about really stupid stuff and she seemed confused, yet interested and even maybe slightly amused.  Then Jo came up to me and said, "Oh, I see you've met my sister."
     I spent 10 minutes talking to a stranger!!  I never realized she was not the person I knew, but I did comment on her new hair style.
     Those find the six ways this picture is different things in children's magazines?  I can spend hours and not find four.
     Symbolism, written or in visual form, are weak areas for me.
     I had no idea Frost was talking about death when he stopped his horses in a snowy woods.  And don't even ask me about Emily Dickinson.
     When I look up in the sky, I see stars.  Organized clutter, if you will.  If someone is standing next to me and going very slowly about a simple constellation, I can probably follow them.
     And there is always the possibility it could be a total stranger who just looks like someone I know.
     Hopefully, not a serial killer or homicidal maniac!

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