Saturday, June 4, 2022

dog tired

 A lot was accomplished today

    The downside is:  I am pretty tired.  And sore.

    Shred stuff into the shred day event.

    Helped Emily clean  house

    Spread mulch, which Sheri's help.

    The easiest was taking the to be shredded material to the bank sponsored ashred day.  That took less than 5 minutes.

    The hardest was the mulch.  I had ordered 5 yards and thought that was a mistake.  Now I am wondering if I have enough.  I still have a few areas to do, but Sheri and I have 90 percent of the gardens mulched.  They look nice.

    While we were mulching, Julia was cleaning the downstairs and setting up a fouton for Emily.  Emily is spending the next couple of nights with us before she and Julia head out to Boston.

    She is having her floors redone next week.  All the furniture was moved out of the rooms, all the food items were packaged up in storage boxes, all the floors were swept and vacuumed so the house is ready for the workers on Monday.

    Luckily I did not have  to move back is sore enough!

    But I am tired.  It was a busy, yet productive, day.

    And I think I just saw a lightning bug!  Is it possible they are out already?  Sees to early for that.

    And this could be the first time in 30 years all of us have been in a house together.  I know it as least since Julia left for Switzerland in 2002.  Might feel pretty strange!

Peace and Love

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